Chapter Thirty

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I can still taste Talia on my tongue when we finally pull ourselves from my room and head back downstairs. She's flushed like mad, covered in red from everything we just did. We took our time, but it was fast and rough and hard. Exactly the way we both needed it. That outlet to get our minds on something else—something more desirable than what's actually going on through our day to day.

"Woo!" Kai shouts, fisting his hand in the air. A chorus of applause breaks through the crowd chatter and blaring music. I grab Talia by her hand, not wanting to embarrass her or make her uncomfortable, and try to pull her quickly back the way we came but she only falls into my side, leaning her forehead onto my shoulder. That sated little smile on her face casts down on the idiots cheering us on.

"Maybe next time you do that thing with your tongue, I'll try and keep the volume to a minimum." She laughs and I squeeze her hand.

"Nah, cupcake. I don't want you ever holding back on me. Let it out. If these fuckers want to listen and poke fun, let 'em." Looking down, I see her gaze lifted and on my face. "What are you thinking?"

Her cheeks are still rosy from other reasons, but I know if she was a frequent blusher, she'd be burning right now. She pushes some hair behind her ear and stands up on her toes, wrapping her hand around the back of my neck. "Just about how much I want to kiss you."

For everyone to see, she leaves out.

Her hand tugs on my neck and I bend slightly to meet her lips, sweeping her into my arms with dramatic flare, dipping her back. More cheering erupts from the peanut gallery and I smile through the kiss. She does too.

It's short and sweet, but filled with so much more than I could have ever asked for. This is my woman. My Old Lady. My love. And I will never let anything bad happen to her for as long as she lives. She is mine to protect. Mine to love. Mine.

"Alright, enough! Church, five minutes. Clean your dicks off and let's get a move on," Ash yells, his voice seemingly louder than everyone's shouting and chattering. How he manages to command a room will always amaze me. He can be a dick, we all know that, but there's never been a doubt in my mind that he deserves to be Prez. He's a good leader. He's made some shit calls, but we all have. We're not perfect, especially with what we're into.

Which I'm sure is what we're about to discuss.

"Yes, kids, let's clean ourselves up so we can get ready to talk to big daddy Ash," I add, smirking at the laughs I get. Ash's eyes narrow but he ignores my jest.

I clamp my hand over Talia's hip, leading us down the short staircase. Letha glides over immediately and takes Talia by the arm, hooking hers with it. Letha starts asking for details and then I swear I hear something about my cock come up.

Scrunching my nose in confusion, I only have a second before I'm whisked into the private room along with the rest of the guys. Stone has his arm wrapped around my shoulders, leaning in so he can whisper into my ear. "She that good, huh? She looks like she's good in bed."

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