Chapter Fifteen

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*If you're not following me, I made two posts about my absence and new update schedule if you want to check those out!*

*If you're not following me, I made two posts about my absence and new update schedule if you want to check those out!*

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Talia is still in Texas nearly two weeks later.

Each day makes it harder to be away from her. To not see her face with those rare smiles she saves for special people. To not smell that damned perfume that has assaulted my senses and draws me to her like a moth to flame.

I've never missed a woman - other than my own mother - and these new feelings aren't what I expected. I didn't expect the pain that accompanied the longing to be with someone. Hell, I didn't even know I would think about her like this, but every morning I wake up and go downstairs and she's not let me know she's back in town is a knife through my heart.

I fucking miss her and it's killing me.

Night has fallen by the time we all gather around the raging bonfire out back. Dez and Max got it started and it's drawn out all the Wolves to come sit around the blazing heat.

Some Sheep sit on the laps of brothers, some Old Ladies do the same, while some sit alone - such as myself - but this is quality brother time. With how we run things these days, it's been hard to get back to our roots of being a simple motorcycle club.

Earlier, we went for a ride, all of us. Not just a handful, and not just on a run for business. We all went out just to enjoy the evening air against our faces and the cooling breezy temperatures of being on the back of our bikes.

It felt like old times when we weren't worked to the bone. It felt good. Right.

If we can ever bring ourselves out of this business of running guns and dealing drugs, maybe we could enjoy the perks of being in a club regularly again. Rather than let it feel like a treat every few months or so when we can all manage to escape for a while.

"I'll kick your ass in the ring anytime you little shit, just say when!" Ash taunts, pulling Tulsa harder against his chest and nuzzling the side of his face in her chest while looking at Kai.

"Alright, old man, this Saturday, ten o'clock. You and me. Winner gets a hundred bucks."

"You don't even have a hundred bucks," I cough, taking another pull from the joint in between my fingers.

The weed is causing everything to be hazy, but I'm still aware enough to know what's going on.

"Fine, winner gets eternal bragging rights," Kai throws his hands up.

Ash appears to ponder for a second before holding his hand out towards Kai, "You got a deal."

They shake on it and I chuckle. Kai may not be as small as me, but he's nowhere near Ash's size. Ash isn't gigantic, but he lifts and has height on his side. Ash is going to wipe the floor with Kai.

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