Chapter Thirty-Seven

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*You're going to hate Talia in this chapter. Fair warning. She's being irrational and stupid and irritating. But you have got to understand her character. She isn't someone that depends on others. She doesn't like feeling like she's not in control. What Ryder did by paying for her dads treatment was awesome, but he did it without telling her and he did it without realizing how it would make her feel. Please try and see it from her perspective and not your own!!*

 Please try and see it from her perspective and not your own!!*

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I'm still numb to watching those guys die yesterday. It was quick and easy, no pain. They didn't suffer. It was a mercy killing.

Not the kind of death I'm used to inflicting.

I try texting Athena again—this will be the sixth time. They're not even saying delivered anymore. I'm pretty sure my number has been blocked at this point.

Throwing my phone onto the side of the bed that's not occupied, I lay back and cover my eyes with my arms.

Seeing what happened last night affected her in a much stronger way. She knows what her family does, she's seen what happened to me, but watching two people get killed, right in front of your eyes...that's another story. It's traumatic if you've never experienced it before.

I groan, turning over onto my stomach and burying my face in the pillow. Athena was a friend to me. I thought we were moving forward into a real friendship, but I was wrong.

She doesn't want anything to do with this life. She's a kind soul, too good and pure for this world. I can't fault her. She's young and still innocent to certain things.

Hopefully it stays that way.

She doesn't need to be caught up in all of this.

While I wasn't shocked at the death or the bloody bodies on the concrete floor, I was surprised with the way those two King brothers handled it.

They are scary.

Truly and genuinely terrifying. No emotion, no hesitation. They killed without delay, cruelty leaking through their hand into the bullets that ended those lives.

Watching them work was mesmerizing in a weird way, but also nauseating that such evil exists. I can kill. I will kill again. But the way they worked, together and quickly, I could tell they were seasoned killers. This wasn't their first time. And it won't be their last.

Is the club getting involved with them smart? Hell no. But is it necessary? Sadly, yes.

I knew they are at their wits end, but I wish this was all over. Ryder and his brothers can do what they want; hell, they're not going to listen to a woman they've known for just over a year tell them how to run their business practices. I just wish they were more cautious, careful.

The King family is a different kind of dangerous. They radiate true power and I have a feeling we've barely even grazed the surface of what they really have to offer.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now