Chapter Forty-Four

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*TW Torture and some other stuff that might not be everyone's cup of tea! Read with caution!!*

*TW Torture and some other stuff that might not be everyone's cup of tea! Read with caution!!*

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He deserves to rot. To sit in the filth collecting in the basement. To suffer for days on end.

But I can make his suffering feel endless. I can make him feel like his life is wasting away as only a matter of hours pass.

I can ruin him like he tried to ruin me.

He claims he loves me. He claims I love him. Well if his love was what happened when we were in that warehouse and in that hotel, then let me show him what my love is like. Because it can be oh so much worse.

"Look at your friends," I whisper, staring into his eyes that still manage to hold some semblance of control.

He doesn't turn away to do as I say. He holds my gaze, a hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes.

"Do as she says," Ryder commands, pulling one of his guns out and aiming it at Matt's forehead. He won't shoot him, but having a gun pressed against your temple can be intimidating no matter who you are.

Matt's resolve slips and his eyes finally flick to the dead bodies on either side of him. A bead of sweat drips down the side of his face to mix with the damp collar of his shirt.

When he gulps, excitement begins to brew in my belly and my hands grow tingly with the urge to use them on him.

I want to slap him. Punch him. Cut him. Anything. I want to feel his blood warming my hands until it dries into a sticky crimson mess. I need to feel his life flow out of him as he fades away.

"What do you want me to say? That I'm sorry?" He snaps his head back in my direction, his expression volatile. "I'm sorry for what we did to you. I'm sorry for making you come wrapped around my cock—"

Ryder pistol whips him so hard Matt's chin drops to his left shoulder and I jump back at how fast Ryder moved.

Matt spits blood, little bits dribbling down his chin in a lighter red wave. He looks disoriented and I can't even find it in me to be mad at Ryder for defending me when such horrible things were coming out of Matt's mouth.

"I may have come. I may have felt immense pleasure. But what you're leaving out of your delusional narrative is this: I am not in charge of what my mind did to me during what you were doing to my body. If I needed to make up some story involving love to get me through the hardships you put me through, then so be it. It got me through, didn't it? I'm still here. And guess what? I have the upper hand now, and there's no reason for you to craft some delusion to make yourself feel better here. You won't be alive long enough to need an alternate reality like I did."

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now