Chapter Forty-Seven

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*This isn't the end, there will be an epilogue filled with fluffy Ryder/Talia love! But a big part of this book was Talia's ability to overcome the demons that plague her. She is healthy and happy now. Ryder is very important and he will be in the epilogue, so don't freak out that I ended the book without them having a moment!*

 Ryder is very important and he will be in the epilogue, so don't freak out that I ended the book without them having a moment!*

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It's late. The party is winding down and Ryder is conked out from over exertion. I told him he needed to rest but he doesn't like to listen to reason. If he wouldn't heed the nurses advice, there's no way he's listening to mine.

I understand, though. Talon is home. It's exciting. He doesn't want to miss out on any of the excitement. I've been watching them from across the bar all night, seeing the camaraderie between the club. They're one big family and for just one night, they can pretend like everything is fine.

After I roll the cot Ryder is passed out on into the guest room he's sleeping in, I come back into the bar, finishing up some last minute cleaning.

"Does it make you feel better?" A male voice speaks from in front of the bar when my back is turned. Spinning slowly on my heels, I face Ash who is nursing a glass of amber liquid.

I know what he's talking about, even if he's being rather vague.

Nodding, I toss the dirty rag I'm holding into the laundry bin. "I feel like I can breathe again."

His stormy gaze stays fixated on me, sipping slowly on his drink. His mind has taken him elsewhere and I worry he's had one too many drinks tonight.

"It'd be nice to feel that again." He pushes off the bar, downs the rest of his drink, and places the glass on the countertop I just finished wiping down. "You're family now. If you need anything else, all you have to do is ask."

I nod, taking his empty glass and giving it a rinse and wash in the sink behind the bar. He walks away, grabbing a sleepy Sheep named Jess who squeals in delight when she sees who's chosen her for the night. They stumble up the stairs and escape around the corner, presumably to entertain one another all night long.

I place the glass I just washed in the strainer and walk out. Jazz has already left for the night and most of the patrons have filtered out, only those too drunk to move remain. It's common for this place to still have customers passed out from the night before when things start to open up in the morning.

Debating on whether or not to join Ryder when I'm not even the least bit tired, I decide there's something I need to do first.

It may be three in the morning, but he'll still be awake. Logan was always a night owl, even though, most of those nights were spent running around town doing who knows what.

Growing up, he'd always come in just before mom and dad woke up. He'd pass out in his bedroom and we wouldn't hear from him until at least noon. That same lifestyle carried on into his adult life, hence the reason he probably can't hold a job to save his life.

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