Chapter Thirty-Four

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*The Australians are not named and I will not ever name them. Sometimes they speak in tandem, most of the time they don't though. I hope it's not too confusing! I didn't want to name them and personify them too much."


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Talia gives me another kiss.

"Goddamn, wish those lips were on mine instead of this fuckers!"

She pulls away from me, her lips still puckered and brows furrowed in confusion at the interruption.

I exhale and roll my eyes to the top before turning in Talia's arms to see Winston, a old timer that's been a long time hangaround of the club appraising Talia. He's got a penchant for beautiful young women and the Den is usually sprawling with them.

"The fuck did you just say?" I cock my head in his direction, already feeling the anger bubble up inside of me.

"Got yourself a real fine one, there, Ryder. Better hold on tight to her or I might come and snatch her from you." He wiggles his eyebrows and winks in Talia's direction. I feel her hands clench at my sides. "What do you say baby, want to take a break from this skinny kid and come sit in my lap later?"

"Listen here, motherfucker, keep your eyes and hands to yourself. If I ever see you even so much as look at my Old Lady, I will personally disembowel you and feed you to tigers. All with a smile on my face."

Winston holds his hands up, his expression changing immediately, and backing away slowly. "Shit, sorry, Ryder. Didn't mean nothing by it."

Talia scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest. "Bullshit. You know exactly what you mean. Good thing I've got enough self respect not to want to fuck your sorry ass anyway. A bit too old for me. I like my cock a bit less shriveled and without the need for a viagra dose. Now get lost before my man decides to show you what your insides look like." She smirks and I pull her into me by wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"You heard the lady," I chuckle as his eyes widen in genuine fear, "Back off. And while you're at it, why don't you just get in your beater and drive on off Wolf property. Think about what you've done, and then consider coming back." I smirk, showing my darker side I keep hidden. "If you're brave enough to show your face here again, that is."

Sheep catch a lot of flack from everyone. Random girls that show up have to deal with it or leave. But Old Ladies? They're precious. Special. Hangarounds can't get away with speaking to them like that. Hell, even we can't really speak of each other's Old Ladies like that. Even if it's a joke. Carter gets picked on occasionally but it's all in good fun because of who she used to be. She's respected as an Old Lady, regardless of what we might say from time to time.

Talia on the other hand? I'm not putting up with any disrespect.

Winston scurries off and hops into his car, barreling out into the street and causing cars to blare their horns at him for disrupting the only lane of traffic, the rest filled with cars for the car wash.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now