Chapter Eighteen

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*Remember, this chapter contains triggering material. Please skip if such subject matter offends you or makes you uncomfortable. There is some important relationship material at the beginning of the chapter so if you want to read bits of this chapter, go ahead. Stop reading after they enter the cabin if you don't want to read anything about her revenge. She doesn't do anything insanely graphic in this specific chapter, but there is still death involved.*


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Ryder brings me to my apartment first, for a change of clothes and a couple of lorazepam to calm my nerves.

My body is jittery, practically buzzing with excitement, fear, anticipation, nerves. My stomach rolls with nausea and I hold it down, knowing that once this is all over, everything will be fine. The build up has to be the worst part. I can live with the aftermath, but getting to that point is what's going to be the hard part.

Doing what I'm about to do will forever change me, I'm not lost on that fact. But doing what I'm about to do will also prevent them from ever hurting anyone else ever again. I can't have been the only unfortunate soul they've decided to rip to shreds in every monstrous way imaginable. Who knows if they've done it again since our last interaction. For all I know, this is a regular weekend activity for the band of merry pricks.

At least now, with myself taking charge of the situation and bringing down the five men who deserve to rot in the deepest pits of hell, I can rest easy at night knowing I've helped some future girl from her fate at the hands of these men.

Now, after these two, all that's left is the three waiting back in Florida - who I pray haven't realized their buddies are missing. As far as they know, they're still on vacation here, according to Ryder, but it's only a matter of time before they know something is up.

Good thing is, I'll be quick with these two. They've suffered for almost as long as I did. Tied up and left unknowing what their fate will be.

I'm behind Ryder on his bike and my arms hold tight around his waist. My cheek is resting against his back, the leather of his cut, smooth and buttery soft, sliding against my face.

The bright lights leave us, a stark contrast between the city and the blank expanse of the desert, only the glistening stars and full moon to light our way.

Only one other vehicle's headlights pass us on the journey to the cabin and it makes me slightly nervous. As if they somehow know what we're about to do. Shining their beams of judgement onto us for just a second before disappearing behind us, heading back into the city.

I know the Wolves don't get caught for the things they do. And I'm not blind to the fact that almost everyone in the club has killed before. Either they know how to cover their asses or cops really do turn a blind eye to them.

As long as it protects me from the justice system, I don't care how Ryder and his brothers handle their dirty business.

Going to the police to report what my attackers did to me won't accomplish anything. I'll be brushed off once they find out I'm unable to provide any evidence. They'll continue to walk free. Potentially harming others in the process. Serving up justice myself is the only way these men won't be able to do what was done to me to anyone else.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now