Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Sorry I had to break up the conversation between Athena and Talia!*

*Sorry I had to break up the conversation between Athena and Talia!*

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"My mother wasn't like my father or the rest of my family. She was good. Too good for them." Athena looks sad, fiddling with the edge of her ceramic plate, eyes downcast.

I want to scoot closer, wrap her into my arms and comfort her. Anything to wipe that sadness off her face. She's too angelic to have such an expression on her face. She saved me so I feel the need to save her.

"Her goodness rubbed off on you, though. That's got to count for something."

She looks up and smiles softly, "Yeah, I guess that's true. My dad and uncle have tried hard to mold me into one of their dutiful disciples." She grimaces at the prospect of being like them. "They want me to get married and be apart of the family business one day, but just thinking about it makes me sick." She gags and shudders, trying to push the thought of becoming like her family one day out of her head. "But my mother helped make me be nothing like them. In the end, her goodness didn't save her."

The urge to pull her into my arms comes over me again but I hold back, not wanting to startle her. "Did your family...did they kill her?"

Athena snorts, leaning back in her chair and dropping both forearms on the arms of the chair, laying her palms over her stomach. "I bet they wish that's how it went down. They tried, I'm sure. She was very defiant. Hated taking orders from my father. He couldn't stand it. I think one time he may have gotten close to killing her one night, but he held back."

"I hate that you and her ever had to deal with that. I wish there was a way you could leave."

Athena raises her eyebrows in agreement. "You and me both. But no, it wasn't my father that was my mother's demise. She may have put on a good face for me, but she wasn't happy. I don't know the details, they never told me, but she killed herself when I was twelve." She says it so matter-of-factly that I'm taken aback at her openness. Not everyone would be capable of talking about a family members suicide as easily as she is.

"Athena, I'm so sorry." Her life sounds infinitely harder than mine has ever been—aside from the past years events. My family was wonderful, filled with love and happiness. Hers is darkness and hatred. I just want to save her from them. Save her the way she saved me.

She waves me off. "It was years ago. I've come to terms with it. Not that I've ever forgiven my family for causing it, but it doesn't hurt as much as it once did." Her expression changes for a minute and the sadness is back in full force. "Although, It hurts when my father says she's in hell. 'Cause she killed herself."

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