Chapter 14

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Siyahs POV *Christmas eve*

Today is Christmas Eve normally I would be home doing things with the family but this year lotus begged me to go to a sleepover with her! I really didn't wanna go because I barely know these people but she begged and begged so here I am!😂

Lotus- ohhh my goshhh I hope yu got changing clothes

Siyah- Uhh what's wrong?

Lotus- yu can't go to the party looking like that! Not In a onesie!

Siyah- yu said it was a sleepover!

Lotus- Nooo that was just something we tell our parents girl! Here put this stuff on! And don't be stretching my clothes out with all that ass yu got!

She said throwing her clothes on my lap and I sighed getting dressed

Lotus- ohhh my goshhhhh!!! I'm ready to take my clothes back yu wearing my shit better than me cousy!

Siyah- really?

Lotus-stand up so I can take a picture!

Siyah- no I don't like this! It's sluty!

Lotus- no it's not! Yu look good I'm sick of yu always dressing like a tomboy with a body like that yu needa show it off!

Siyah- if yu don't gimmie something else I'm not going!

I said crossing my arms across my chest and she rolled her eyes she gave me some clothes that I was more comfortable with and we got going! We pulled up in front of the house and I already wasn't feeling it

Siyah- I don't know About this Lo.... maybe we shouldn't go!

Lotus- Awee come on siyah! Literally all the cool kids are here! This is where we're supposed to be! This is our night!

Siyah- it just doesn't feel right.... yu don't feel bad lying to your parents about where you're going?

I said looking at her and she shrugged her shoulders

Lotus- no! And it's none of they business! We're 15 siyah we can have fun if we wanna! Now come on let's go!

I sighed getting outta the car and into the party we went I saw Jason and Kent wave us over and of course lotus was over fast as ever!

Kent- hey beautiful!

He said pulling me into a tight hug and I smiled hard asf I love when he hugs me like this...

Siyah- hey... I didn't know yu would be here!

Kent- I didn't either this was last minute but I'm glad I'm here

He said smiling looking deep into my eyes and I shyly looked down at my shoes

Kent- still shy huh...

Siyah- No!

Kent- Yea yea ... yu want anything to drink?

Siyah- No! No thank yu!

Lotus- yall look sooo cute together! Take y'all first picture together!

She said smiling and I raised an eyebrow looking at Kent he smiled too wrapping his arm around me posing for the picture

Lotus- come on siyah fix your face look up at em or something dang!

I playfully rolled my eyes really posing for the picture and she took it shockingly it came out kinda cute..👇🏽

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