Chapter 38

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Libras POV

I decided to come back to Atlanta and see reign, everything happened so fast I just picked up and left without thinking about her. She may didnt come from me but she's my daughter too and I feel like I owe her and explanation on everything! Plus I miss her and I know the boys miss her too! I ain't wanna see Drew so I sent a driver to pick her up.

Levi- where is she? Where is she? You said she would be here!

Baby Drew- REIGN ..REIGN ...REIGN ...REIGN ..REIGN ...REIGN.....

he chanted and Levi joined in i put my hands on my head saying a small prayer because lord they have been getting on my nerves since we left Houston...

Libra- She's coming! Please stop!

Levi- are you annoyed mommy?

Libra- No baby just sleepy!

Levi- oh okay... REIGN... REIGN....

He continued and I sighed shaking my head an all black suburban pulled up and I stood up smiling and thanking the lord the driver got the door for reign she stepped outta the car and the boys lost it

Levi& baby Drew- REIGN!!!

Reign- KIDDOS!

They screamed she bent down to their height giving them a big hug and kisses I stood there smiling watching them but my smile faded once I noticed Drew's car! Is he fucking serious! 

Reign- hey ma!

Libra- hey baby girl!

I said smiling at her giving her a big hug and kiss she looked beautiful as always I gently stroked her hair and we got seated the boys started talking her head off and shockingly she wanted to listen they must've really missed each other!

Baby Drew- Yeah! And we have a new house... but it's not as good as the old one

Levi- yeah we don't have a pool anymore!

They said sounding sad and I laughed

Reign- that's okay! I still wanna come see it!

Libra- Of course... there's a room for you too! For when you wanna stay over and stuff!

I said smiling at her and she smiled back nodding

Reign- good! I've never been to Houston before what's it like?

Libra- it's okay! We gotta get used to it but We'll make it a home!

Reign- right... so no more Atlanta huh?

She said looking down and I sighed placing my hand on her shoulder gently rubbing it

Libra- Reigny Pooh listen... just because I'm not with your dad anymore it doesn't change a thing I'll always be your ma and you'll always be my Reigny Pooh...

I said in a low tone but she covered her face and sniffled...I sighed gently wiping her face and the boys hugged her comforting her I smiled letting out alittle tear..

Levi- it's okay sissy don't cry!

Baby Drew- yeah don't cry it's okay!

Reign- It's just I'm gonna miss seeing y'all every week! I know daddy won't fly to Houston every week!

Libra- don't worry about that... you'll still see us! Even if we gotta come here you're my baby too I wouldn't just leave you!

Drew- You can't just leave daddy either...

He said coming from no where and my heart damn near dropped in my stomach!

Levi& baby Drew- DAD!

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