Part 3

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**Max's POV**

I felt stupid, I knew that this person couldn't possibly have anything to do with Tul but I couldn't help but follow him. I was fine until they got outside of a hospital that was close to my apartment, there was usually no need to go to a hospital when your a vampire and I was never off of work this early either so if there food run was normal than It was no wonder I've never seen him before. 

He's been living so close to me and I didn't know...

I had followed them all the way to the entrance of the hospital when the guy named Drake stops in the doorway and grabs Knock's arm. 

Drake: "Does it feel like were being watched or is that just me?"

With those words I quickly hide behind the closest car to me and mentally kick myself. Why the fuck am I following a stranger around the streets of New York? Everyone is going to think I'm either a stalker or a mugger. 

Knock: "I think it might just be you. I don't see anyone."

Drake: Barely a mumble. "Strange..."

Letting out a sigh I slowly peer my head over the top of the car to see if they had gone inside yet. Thankfully they were no where in sight now. I was about to stand up to walk away when my phone begins to ring loudly causing the people around me to look as I jumped.


Max: Still a little dazed from the day's turn of events. "Hello?"


Max: Feeling in a rush I start to jog back towards the apartment complex. "Sorry I got distracted at the cross walk." Think, think... "I almost got hit by a car so I needed to hang up for a moment. I was about to call you back I swear."

Win: "...Well I am glad you avoided traffic even though it wouldn't really have any affect on you."

Max: "Wow thanks for your concern."

Win: "Uh huh, I was talking about you packing, you still going to do that?"

Almost to the apartment now I slow down and bend over to catch my breath, god dammit...

Max: I need to know who that guy is, I don't want to leave anymore. "Hey Win?..."

Win: "Yea?"

Max: "Uhm can we wait another year before going home?"

Win: "... Why?"

Max: "I thought I was ready but now I know I'm not and I need a little more time before going back home. The closer we get to the leaving day the more my anxiety has been messing up."

Win: "Your anxiety is back?"

Max: "Yea..."

Win: I could hear him letting out a sigh as he says something to Tong before replying. "Sure Max, I don't want to force you to go home so if you need more time to adjust to the idea of going back than I can text mom and dad and let them know. Tong and I will also inform the school that we no longer need to be transferred. You should do the same too by the way."

Max: "I'm almost home now, I will call them once I get inside."

Win: "Is that all you need?"

Max: "Yea, and Win?"

Win: "Yea?"

Max: "Thank you..."

Win: "Don't worry about it, I've spent the last 50 years watching you struggle. I don't want to cause you any more pain. We're going to get going now though, be careful. We will see you when we get home."

Last Chance - CR Sequel (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now