Part 28

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**Knock's POV**

Once everyone else showed up and the majority of the shock was done with, the room was now filled with clouds of sadness, anger, grief, revenge and cursing. 

I wanted to join everyone in their grief but I knew that right now I needed to be here for Max and Tong because nobody else would be. 

Max's dad was too busy calling the council to help me try to calm down Tong while also trying to carry Max to the car at the same time since he was currently unconscious.

It was just a lot of yelling, cursing and accusing as Tong quietly grips his hands in the corner of the car as Max lays on his lap.

At first he refused to leave Win's body but once they needed to prepare for the sun ritual the next day, Tong knew it was time to go and allowed me to pull him to the car... 

So far nobody would actually talk to me yet but I didn't care as I focused all my energy on bringing Tong and Max home. I watched as Max laid as still as a brick against Tong and if I didn't know any better I would have said he was dead too but as a doctor I knew he was just in shock so his body shut down as a defensive mechanism. 

He would wake up when he's ready to wake up, if he's ever ready to wake up...

Knock: "Hey Tong?"

Tong: He glances up at me in a daze. "Y-yea?..."

Knock: "Do you think your able to help me bring Max up or should I wait until Mew gets to the house to help me?"

Tong: He moves his gaze slowly to Max before brushing a hair out of his face. "I-I can help you..."

Knock: "Thank you."

Tong: He nods slowly before glancing out the window. "There's no need to thank me, he asked me to look after you and Max... If I can't even do these simple things than he died in vain and I won't let that happen..."

Knock: "It will never be in vain Tong, he loved you unconditionally..."

Tong: "If l-loving me gets you k-killed than I don't w-want it..."

I wanted to say something to that but I could see that he was already having trouble keeping it together as it is so I grip the steering wheel and continue the drive silently.

This was all my fault...

Tong had told me a brief summary of what happened and that it was done by the VHS but other than that he wasn't super specific on what happened. 

I just knew that their connection to my family and past is what did this to this family and I need to do what ever I can to make it up to them because this was not okay. This was brutal and inhuman which goes completely against the VHS protocol.

Your not suppose to hunt Pure bloods...

By the time we made it to the house my head was still a mess of thoughts and reasons when Tong taps on my shoulder and points at Max. I nod weakly as I turn off the car and get out to help him pull Max out. 

I had one hand under his arm as Tong had the other and we spent the next 15 minutes bringing him up the stairs of the mansion to his room. 

Once Max was placed on the mattress I bow to Tong and watch him walk out of the room like a zombie. I didn't want him to leave my sight but I knew I needed to help Max first. 

With a deep sigh I pull Max into a sitting position before slowly pulling his shirt off revealing bite marks in his skin. I guess bite marks from other vampires don't completely heal because they were now light cream colored scars. 

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