Part 18

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**Win's POV**

**8 hours ago**

It's been a day since I flipped out on Max and I think I was able to calm down for the most part, the issue now though was that ever since I went to bed angry Tong has been acting weird and paranoid. 

He didn't want to leave the house yesterday and now I'm starting to believe that he might be upset that I snapped...


The best thing I could think of as an apology is to bring him to one of his favorite museums and hope it helps him forgive me. Of course I'm going to apologize first but this way it's twice as likely that hell forgive me. 

I was currently buying our entrance passes right now as he sleeps. 

Who knew they would be this expensive...

It's worth it. 

Once I had everything figured out I head back into the bedroom to see Tong still passed out in the sheets of our bed. He was curled into a ball and his features looked relaxed making me feel slightly better.

Win: I walked over to the bed and sat down as close to him as I could without waking him before bringing a hand to his face and whispering. "I love you Tong, I'm sorry I made you upset. Your the only thing I need in this world, my brother might be a dumbass but he's still smart. You on the other hand don't like to fight or violence at all and have learned to deal with my anger issues. I really don't deserve you. Thank you for everything."

I could feel myself feeling slightly better now that he let out a soft sigh before opening his eyes with a small grin.

Tong: "You couldn't have said that sooner?"

Win: I narrow my eyes at him in confusion. "You were awake this entire time weren't you?"

Tong: "Just a little bit, but you don't need to beat yourself up too much I'm not mad at you. Just a lot on my mind right now."

Win: "You want to talk about it?"

Tong: "No it's okay. I'll be better once I find something to distract myself from it. I want to have a good day before going back to work tomorrow."

Win: Bingo! "Hey how would you feel about going to the museum right now?"

Tong: He sits up in the bed with a twinkle in his eyes. "You mean the one that has that new painting with the boy and the whale?"

Win : "Yep that's the one, I checked a few minutes ago and found out it had some vacancy today. Would you like to go?"

Tong: "Yes!!"

Win: I couldn't help but chuckle as I ruffle his hair. "Okay well you should get dressed so we can get going. They open in half an hour and it's always best to get there in the morning and not the afternoon."

Without another word he gets out of bed with energy I hadn't seen in a few days and heads to the bathroom before closing the door.

I'm glad he seems more like himself now...


The trip there was actually really refreshing. Tong was looking up the broacher on his phone to see what else was new there as we waited for the train to stop. He looked happy and that made me happy. 

I was still worried about Max and how he was making more stupid decisions like he did back than but he's my brother and I just need to figure out how to go with it. Whenever he decides to come home I'll try to hear him out and figure out what to do together. I don't need another accident happening.

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