Part 17

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**Knock's POV**

Ever since I woke up everything was just too overwhelming. My entire life I have asked the same question to myself every day. Who is the guy in my dreams and what secrets does he hold? 

I use to be afraid when I first saw him and maybe the other times I saw him too but after last night I could see that he was just a broken man like anyone else that needed to be loved. Even after finding that out I could see it, even though it felt impossible and I didn't understand half of the feelings I had wagging war inside of me. I knew that he meant something to me.

I just don't know how...

He had me gently wrapped in his arms and it felt home. Even the amount of time I spent with Mix before I knew what he had done I never felt this way. It seemed selfish to me to ask him for more of something that cleared scared the hell out of him for reasons he refuses to tell me but I felt like I needed it.

I needed him, his touch, his voice, his smell, his words, his life, I felt like it all belonged to me...

I could feel his lip graze against my collar bone until he stopped at the middle of my throat. His hands were trembling against me and it made me want to reassure him that everything okay. 

No matter what anyone would have told me I wouldn't have believed them if they told me about what happened next. I couldn't help but let out a gasp as he began to suck on my neck, it felt good...

Releasing my hold on his hair I wrap my arms around his neck. This position all by itself was embarrassing enough for me considering that I am usually the one with the person in my lap not the other way around but it felt natural when it's with him. 

Everything just feels right...

The tip of his nose brushed softly against my throat and I was about to let out a sigh of comfort when my eyes fly open as a sharp pain starts at my neck and travels it's way through every part of my body. It was like a burning sensation that was trying to eat it's way through my body. 

There was no rhyme or rhythm to it as I let out a soft shuddering moan and tightened my grip around his neck. 

It had gotten to the point to where it was almost overwhelming, I could feel a part of me melting itself into me. Almost like I had lost something a long time ago that was finally returning to me. My heart no longer felt so heavy and I almost wanted to start crying again until things started to get weird. There were images of Max and I however I had blonde hair and I was surrounded by people I didnt know. 

At first it was just a never ending array of images, some that looked happy, some that looked frustrating and others that made me sick. Than something else weird happened, I could hear voices of people I knew I had never met before in my head and all of a sudden I knew the names that went with the voices. 

I was stating to feel dizzy and overwhelmed when the never ending pictures and voices started to turn into small clips and videos in my head. 

One memory after the other started to over flow in me one at a time. 

It was overwhelming...

*Memory Surge*

Xing: "He's probably somewhere with his dick in something. He doesn't seem to know how to keep it in his pants. It's disgusting..."

Tul: I couldn't help but laugh. "Damn you have no patience for your brother do you? He's been like this for years, why do you still expect him to change? You know he doesn't like the whole relationship thing. Mainly because he doesn't care what he's fucking since there's no attachment."

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