Part 19

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**Tong's POV**

I can feel everything moving and people whispering but I don't know what was going on. It was only a little while ago that I woke up to someone smacking me across the face to discover that I was completely helpless. 

There was thin cloth made out of what seemed to be paper or scrap wood cause my face burned as the rope in my mouth began to cause blisters to form. My hands were tied behind my back and I could smell the flesh on my arms burning from the contact. 

Why the fuck did we have to be sensitive to the number one thing that everyone uses for everything!!

I don't even know whats going on except for pain. One second I was at the museum and the next thing I knew there was a hand over my mouth and my head got fuzzy until I collapsed. Than I continuously woke up to being pulled around. 

I don't even know how much times has gone by at this point, it could be a few hours, a few days or a week. I wouldn't know...

Maybe I should have told Win about the message I had received a few days ago. Being paranoid didn't help me in the slightest and the one moment I let down my guard this shit happened. 

That's when my mind wanders to the conversation the person that took me made me have with Max the last time I had woken up from my daze.

Max is going to walk right into this and it's going to be all my fault...

God Win must be freaking out right now.

My main object is to stay alive, I need to do what they say and not make a fuss and maybe everything will get better. First I want to know where the hell I am though, I could hear the sounds of a really big engine around me and I continued to sway. 

Everyone that seemed to be here moments ago disappeared casting the room into silence. 

I really wish I could see right now...

Stranger: Barely a whisper from the other side of the room. "You seem to be pretty docile now that your all alone. Why couldn't you be like this when we called Max earlier?" I could feel my skin crawling from how quiet this person had to be for me to not be able to sense there presence... There was no way for me to answer this guy since I had a thick piece of fucking rope in my mouth but if it ever got removed I definitely have a good choice of words to say to him. "You know I have no personal grudge with you, I didn't really even know who you were until 2 days ago. All I know is that you have a friend that really pissed off my mother a long time ago and ever since I was born she has told me that it would be my job to search for him. Who would have know that I would meet him while working. It was an accident of course but now I can please my mother. Do you know what it's like to grow up in a home of darkness and training? From the age of 7 I have been trained to kill the likes of you." Is this guy going to shut up now or do I seriously have to be in pain and listen to this guy rant about his momma issues? "Either way I don't see you leaving any time soon." I could hear the footsteps first before I felt the sharp pain in my head as he yanks my head back by my hair as I let out a cry of pain before he whispered. "Even if I'm not ordered to kill you I'm going to do it anyways because you are nothing but disgusting vermin."

Stranger 2: Someone walks in and I could hear the sound of their rushed footsteps as the hand holding my hair back gets yanked away. "What the hell do you think your doing? I get that you don't like them but he can't get hurt. That was her orders. If one scratch on his face shows up before we can get him to her she's going to punish you."

Stranger: "So what? It's not like he's important to the plan to begin with, he already did his part."

Stranger 2: "I know you usually like to play with them first but this is different from most of your kills man. You need to be patient, it's just a few more hours before the plane lands and than he's going to meet the boss."

So were on a plane than, that explains why the entire ground sways every once in a while. Must be one really low grade plane...

I was trying to follow along with what he was saying but it was really hard to focus on anything other than the fact that the skin on more than one part of my body was literally peeling off. 

The only words I heard was kill, boss and something about hurting. I probably should be paying attention right now but I just couldn't.

Apparently I didn't need to hear the rest of their conversation because the next thing I knew something hit me in the side of the face and everything went silent...


There was a sharp pain in my arm/shoulder as I get tugged to my feet. Everyone was shouting now as I get tugged across the room I was in. 

Stranger: My foot hit a bump as I let out a small yelp before they brought me down a row of stairs. The grip on my arm disappeared and I fell to the floor, I wanted to cry out in pain but I didn't have a chance as he pulls me back up as the pain in my arm flares again. I swear to go dhe did that on purpose!! "Get your ass up and keep walking."

We walked for what seemed like a long time as someone else grabbed my other arm and helped me walk a little more straight so the pressure was no longer on my shoulder. 

Stranger 2: "If you keep treating him this way he really wont make it to the meeting spot."

Stranger: His grip on my arm slowly lowers so it wasn't pulling upwards anymore. "Fine but I don't like it, this guy disgusts me."

Stranger 2: "Just get him in the car and lets go."

The only thing I could figure out between the two of them was that the one that was trying to help seemed a lot more gentle and than this other guy was kind of an asshole and it was pissing me off a little bit but also worrying me at the same time. 

This is going to be a really long 3 days I already know it...

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