Part 27

270 22 2

**Max's POV**

He's such an idiot...

I angrily threw my phone at my windshield as it ricochets off and smacks the seat next to me. I told him to wait for me, all he had to do was wait until I finished with my phone call and than everything would have been fine. 

Mew is on his way with his husband to come help us. Of course they think that were just best friends since I can't let anyone know were brothers but everyone in our community knows that he is one of the most important things to me. 

If anyone lays a finger on him I will end them. 

He doesn't deserve any of this and neither does Tong, this is all my fault. It's my fault for falling in love with a human because the only person I could think of that would hate me this much would be Tul's family. 

Did they not know that he was reincarnated?

Do they not know that I didn't touch either of them that night. 

I didn't kill anybody!!

Smacking my steering wheel I turn into the parking lot to the old warehouse as I spot Win's car parked by the entrance. There were no other cars here either, did that mean that everything was okay?

Did we really luck out with this?

No that's impossible...

There must be something I can't see yet, this has to be an ambush and Win is walking right into it.


I'm glad I told Knock to stay at home.

Throwing open my car door once it was parked I get out and rush into the building. 

The first thing I noticed was that it was dark as fuck, everything was cast into shadows until I saw Tong hanging from the ceiling and Win...

Win was standing in front of Tong but there was someone smaller behind Win and his arm was plunged into Win's chest.

Max: Feeling immense rage in the pit of my stomach I rushed to him when three hungry crazed half-bloods rush me. "WINN!!"

Trying to stay focused on Win and Tong who were both getting blurred out my the cackling crack head looking half-bloods.

H-B: He was flanking my left as the two others were on my right. "I heard that were aloud to feed on you. You know we haven't fed in a week. Were quiet hungry."

H-B #2: She starts to laugh hysterically as she stares at my neck. "He does look quiet good doesn't he?"

All three of them made me sick at the thought of how they would have to loose all of their humanity to act like this.

I took this opportunity to glance over at Win who was fang deep into Tong's throat as Tong continues to sob and I could see the shorter guy from earlier staring at me with pure hatred in his eyes. 

I don't even know this guy...

Looking away was a mistake though because when I glanced back at these lunatics the 3rd one was missing.

Shit, where the fuck did he go?

I was trying to keep my eyes on the two in front of me while also trying to track the third one when one rushes forward causing me to back into a corner. 

I felt like I was playing cat and mouse at this point but I was the mouse...

I just needed to get to Win before that guy hur...

My thoughts were thrown out of my head as somebody lands on my shoulders and wraps a rope around my neck. I gripped at the burning sensation as I try to struggle free from the mans grip. 

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