Part 8

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**Max's POV**

It was around 6:30 in the afternoon right now and it has truly gotten to the point to where I kind of feel like a stalker. Around 20 minutes ago I had finished all of my work so I had left early and now I was just standing outside of the hospital too scared to actually go in as I sit at a bench on the other side of the street eating a donut.

Yes I have a sweet tooth right now for some reason and I am not completely sure why but that's not what's important right now. Knock looked extremely handsome in his uniform and I didn't know how I felt about that, just the thought of someone else seeing him look like this made me go insane.

Why the fuck am I obsessed with a stranger?!?

Letting out a groan while feeling slightly disgusted with myself I look down at my phone to text Win.

Max: "Just a reminder I won't be coming home until late tonight. I'm going out for drinks with Ohm tonight."

Win: "Sounds good, if you need me you know where to contact me, Tong and I are probably going to head to bed early tonight since we haven't really gotten decent sleep in the last week but I'll keep my ringer on just in case."

Max: "Get some rest, I'll be okay. Thank you."

Looking up I slowly begin to panic because I could no longer see Knock and his son. 


Max: I was about to get up to look for them when my phone begins to ring. "Hello?"

Ohm: "Hey I just got off of work and I didn't see you in your office, did you forget about tonight?"

Max: "No I finished early and wanted to grab a quick snack, I didn't really eat much today."

Ohm: "Oh okay, well would you want to go by the club sooner than we planned? Maybe well be able to get home at a decent time if we do so."

Max: I slowly stand up to try and find Knock but I really couldn't see him anywhere. "You want to go right now?"

Ohm: "Yea, boss kind of said that she wants to hold a meeting tomorrow and you weren't here to get her message."

Max: "She does know that tomorrow is Sunday right?"

Ohm: "Apparently there are a few clients that aren't happy with some of the company's designs so were going to have to spend all day fixing them."

Max: "Why do I need to go though? All of my clients are mine and I have never gotten any complaints with my work."

Ohm: "She says that we need every hand we can get right now and since your the best reviewed worker we have she would prefer it if you could help us sell the new ideas better."

Max: Feeling frustrated I give up on trying to find Knock and make my way back to the company. "I guess I'll stop by for a few hours tomorrow but I refuse to stay all day okay?"

Ohm: "Perfect, so how about the club?"

Max: "Sounds good, I am currently heading back to the company right now so I will see you in about 10 to 15 minutes."

Ohm: "I'll meet you outside."

Hanging up the phone and sliding it into my pocket I finish my donut and than shove my hands into my pockets as I begin to cross the street. 


It didn't take me very long to get to the outside of our company's building and like promised there he was leaning against the side of the building.

Ohm: "Do you want to stop by my place to grab different clothes before we head over or what?"

Max: Not wanting him to see that the conversation made me a little uncomfortable I glance around the street before walking in a random direction. "I think I would prefer going to get some actual food by the mall and than buying a shirt. I honestly don't think I look that bad for a club and neither do you."

Last Chance - CR Sequel (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now