Part 23

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**Max's POV**

Having Knock meet my mom wasn't as bad as I had thought it was going to be. To be fair she was always the one that supported Win and I in everything we did or do.

It's our father that causes us to question our own actions half the time. He is very old school and likes everything to be perfect.

Even if we were one step off coarse he would scold us until things got better. We know he loves us but it's kind of suffocating sometimes which is why I don't really like coming home.

Mom: I had just sent Knock upstairs to go rest in my room when she sits next to me on the couch with a smile as Win fidgets with his hands in the corner. "He's so kind Max, where did you find him?"

Max: That made me laugh as I mix a drink for myself. "You already know where I found him. What is it that you really wanted to ask me?"

Mom: "Your no fun you know that? Fine, I'll tell you. I was wondering if your with him because he looks like that one boy. When that accident happened a while ago Win showed me pictures of you two together and the guy you just brought home looks just like him."

Max: "Your almost right." I point toward the  second floor where Knock had dissapered. "The name I gave you earlier was actually his old name, he goes by Knock now. I guess he got reincarnated and a few other things happened but I kind of want to wait to say anything until Dad gets back. When is he suppose to be home anyways? I thought you said he'd be home soon."

Mom: She taps her fork against the plate infront of her. "Well it's hard to say,  lately he stays at work a little longer than he's suppose to be and doesn't get home until 1 or 2 in the morning. Why don't we just wait until tomorrow to talk to him?"

Win: He slams his hand against the arm of the chair with obvious anger on his face. "We don't have time to waist on another day,  we will talk to him when he gets home and that's it."

Mom: He gets up and heads upstairs as we hear him stomping up the stairs. Well it looks like he's gotten into the acceptance section of this mission... "Are you two fighting again? Why is he so pissed off?"

Max: "That will be explained when dad gets home. How have you been?" She looked so distracted and it was making me think that something was going on. "Mom what's wrong?"

Mom: Her lower lip begins to tremble before she looks at me with big water filled eyes. "Max,  can't you and your brother come home already? I really miss you."

Max: Seeing her look so fragile that's when it dawned on me that Dad isn't exactly the most loving husband. "He's hitting you again isn't he?"

Mom: She was still for a second before nodding. "Yea,  it hasn't been very long but his temper is getting worse..."

Max: "Mom! We've talked about this before,  if he hits you. You need to defend yourself or leave. Both Win and I know that this is something that you need to get out of,  we've been telling you for years. We thought it was getting better which is why we haven't said anything to you. Is this why you've been asking us to move back for the last 5 years?"

Mom: "I just want my sons to come home..."

Max: I couldn't hold it in anymore as I pull her into my arms until she starts to cry against my shoulder. "It's going to be okay,  were going to figure this out. I will try to come home more often too."

Mom: Barely a whisper. "Thank you Maxie."

Max: "of course, I just want to see you happy again. I'm sorry I was gone for so long."

We stayed like that for a while until I could hear her snoring against my shoulder. Feeling guilty for avoiding home for so long I nudge her head away from my shoulder slightly before picking her up in my arms to carry her to her room.

This use to be a very normal thing I would have to do when Win and I lived here normally.

She would drink every night and fall asleep on the couch when Dad was either not home or working late.

She works herself to the bone just so she doesn't have to come home early each day...

We really did think things were better after my death scare but it looks like things have converted to the way it use to be again.

After placing her down on her bed upstairs I gently close the door and head for my room.

When I opened the door I was greeted by a naked Knock laying in my bed...

Max: I couldn't get myself to move from the doorway. "Hey Knock,  what do you think your doing?"

Knock: He glances behind him with a smile.  "What do you mean?"

Max: I walk over to him and sit at the edge of the bed. "You seem very at home over here with your ass hanging out like this."

Knock: He just shrugs his shoulders. "It was hot in here and it's not like you have a sign on your door saying *DO NOT GET NAKED* hung up anywhere."

Max: "Two shay."

Knock: He sits up and scoots himself behind me so he was straddling my back as he plays with the hem of my shirt and pulls it up slightly. "You know I don't have to be the only one that's naked. Than we will be equal."

Max: I narrow my eyes at him with a laugh forgetting for a moment about all of our worries. "I think this was your plan all along, you just wanted to see me naked didn't you?"

Knock: He rests his head against my back. "No... But now that your hear that is what I want. Come on I havent been close to you in years and waking up in bed naked together after you came to a hotel room drunk as fuck does not count."

Max: "I could see how that doesn't count but isn't this a little too fast?"

Knock: "You haven't seen me in 50 years, what do you think?"

Max: That made me laugh as I get up and remove my shirt and pants before going over to him and gently laying on top of him before kissing his nose. "Knock, you personally have only known me for two days in this body and life time. You don't have to push yourself to act like we weren't apart for 5 years I don't mind waiting for you until your ready."

Knock: "Max I..."

Max: I wasn't sure if he was trying to say that it was okay or not but I didn't care, right now all I wanted to do was hold him and keep him safe. Everything else can wait. "Shhh, just try to get some rest okay? We sent a long time on a plane and you must have really bad jet leg right now. We can talk more once you wake up."

Knock: I rolled off of him and pulled myself into the covers as he follows. I could see the disappointment in his eyes but I really wasn't in the mood for that sort of thing right now. It just wasn't the right time. "Fine..."

I don't want him to choose me because we have history together, I want him to choose me because he wants to...

Yea I might have first had interest in him because he use to be Tul but after getting to know him more and more over the last few months that I followed and observed him I figured out that I was falling in love with who he use to be and who he is today. 

No matter who he is, he is absolutely amazing to me...

Once he was pulled to my chest I could finally feel myself actually relaxing now that I knew that at least he would be safe here.

I hadn't told him yet but I have no intention of having him fight or even leave this house. I will probably tell Mom before I leave that she should keep an eye on him for me. 

I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to him again. 

That made me tighten my grip around him as I let out a slow breath and try to remember that no matter what he will survive this time.

Leaning down I kiss his forehead and close my eyes. 

He's finally home now...

I love you Knock.

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