Part 24

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**Win's POV**

Sleep was not possible tonight, everyone seemed to have calmed down once we got into the country but my mind was still racing even if I refused to show it. The only hope I have left is y father saying yes to gathering some of the other pure's and helping us get Tong back but let's be realistic...

Father doesn't care about Tong, he never has. Even after getting permission to marry him and be with him dad still didn't agree with our bond but he no longer objected because he knew that I wouldn't give up. 

Being strong willed and happy in this house hold was a good and bad thing. It was good because dad can see that we are very hard headed, strong, passionate and loving but it was also bad because he could also see that the stronger we became the weaker he was to control us.

Thats why mom is always the target to his anger, she never fights him and she never complains she just takes it as it is. 

I had found out about Mom's problem a few years ago but she told me that Max doesn't need to know until I could convince him to come home. I never really understood why but now I can see that she didn't want to bother him when he was still internally struggling with himself.

Even if were only 3 years apart I still don't know how to get through to him, the only one that does is Knock. We've spent 155 years together and he still doesnt let me past the wall he created for himself.

I wish Tong was here...

He would know how to make all of my worries go away and comfort me. No matter how stubborn or obnoxious I got he was always by my side, even when we were just friends. He called me out on my bullshit and helped me open up more. 

I really miss him...

I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks before I was able to comprehend that my eyes were even watery to begin with. 

It was like I new it deep down in my heart that he was not okay right now. I could feel his pain and suffering. I might not know what exactly is going on but I know that he must be really scared and I just want to make things better. I want to pull him into my arms and tell him that everything is going to be okay. 

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Win: That's probably mother. "Come in."

Mom: Yep... She pokes her head in the door with a small smile. "Hey honey, your father just got home. I told him that you wanted to speak to him and he said he would give you a little bit of time to explain things to him."

Win: "Sound's good, did you already wake up Max?"

Mom: "No not yet, do you want me to wake him up or do you want to do it yourself?"

Win: "I can do it, just let me get out of bed and than I can take care of this."

Mom: "Okay." 

Win: She looked sad and it made me worried. "Is everything okay?"

Mom: "Yea, I just hope he does whatever it is you need help with. You know I support you but in that room I wont be able to say a word. Let's just hope he's more understanding today."

Win: "I hope so, I know you love us Mom. Don't worry too much, I have hope."

Mom: She gives me a small smile before turning to leave. "That's good to hear, I guess I'll let you get dressed now."

Win: "Bye."

I watched her walk out of the room before I leaned against my bed frame with a sigh. 

Well here we go...

Slowly I pushed myself out of bed and headed for my closet so I could pull on some shorts and a tank top. 

Last Chance - CR Sequel (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now