Part 31

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**Max's POV**

The longer Tong laid on my shoulder the more this felt like a terrible nightmare. 

I can't believe I actually just watched the essence of my older brother spill out of his coffin and into the sky to join the sun. 

Every portion of my body told me that I needed to be sad, I needed to cry, and I needed to grieve but nothing was hitting me. 

I was more numb than I thought I was...

It was like a wall between my emotions and my body was built. Everything just seemed very bland now. 

Does this make me a bad person?...

Tong: He was messing with his hands before whispering. "You know your going to have to turn Knock soon."

Max: I let out a slow sigh. "Did Mew set you up to this?"

Tong: "No I didn't even see them until they came here with you during the ceremony. It's just common sense, I haven't made many comments about you being with him again but you know the council will kill him the moment they set foot in this house. I didn't say anything to him when he came to see me because I know that this is a conversation you need to have with him by yourself."

Max: "I know..."

Tong: "Just don't wait too long, they'll be here in the next week or two. You know they like to show up unexpected half the time too. Sooner than later is smart."

Max: "I don't want to but I'll bring it up before we go to sleep. It's only 1 right now."

Tong: "Okay, I just dont want either of you to get hurt."

Max: "...Can you tell me about the promise you made to Win?"

Tong: He was silent for a little bit before nodding against my shoulder. "He wants me to look after you and Knock. He also wants me to help you guys win the war the VHS started."

Max: "You know you don't have to look after us, I will take care of Knock and I can take care of myself. Between the three of us I'm most worried about you."

Tong: "I won't break my promise Max. Your stuck with me as your best friend for the rest of your life whether you like it or not."

Max: That made me laugh softly as he sits up and stretches his back. "I don't mind, you can be my side kick like donkey in Shrek."

Tong: He squints his eyes at me. "See I don't know if that's suppose to be a compliment or an insult..."

Max: I get up quickly and back step into the house. "It's a compliment, totally a compliment."

Tong: "MAX!!"

I jogged the rest of the way into the house before he could call after me anymore than he already had.

I was laughing to myself when I hear my mom talking in the kitchen that was next to me. 

Oh god, is she still baking?

Max: I was looking at the floor when I walked into the kitchen. "Hey mom do you need any he..." When I looked up all I could see was Knock now covered in flour along with my mother and they were both smiling as she's talking cookies out of the oven and Knock was rolling new ones. "Mom what are you doing to my boyfriend?"

Mom: She looks up at me in surprise obviously not hearing my words from before as she sets down the tray onto a towel. "What? Were baking."

Max: "The last thing I need is you giving Knock your stress baking knack you have when your sad."

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