Part 30

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**Tong's POV**

No matter how many times I tried to wrap my mind around what had happened I couldn't stop thinking.

Every sound,  every thought was swimming through my mind causing my hands to continuously write down any thing that came to mind. Thoughts,  conversations,  smells and faces.

Once I had filled up the book that I handed off to father I continued to write whatever I could think of on thinner pieces of paper that was now scattered across my walls.

This is the only thing I can do to keep me going at the moment. I just need to remember what Win told me and full fill his last wish. I need to do this for him.

I can't let my emotions get the best of me again,  not yet...

Knock: He was tapping on my door with his knuckles. "What are you up to?"

Tong: I move my hand around the room with a soft sigh. "Slowly loosing my mind,  cant you tell?"

Knock: He was silent for a moment as he looks around the room. "Yeah I can see that... I thought you already gave them everything you know."

Tong: "I did,  this is all useless things that I didn't want to keep in my brain. It's easier to erase things in my head if I write it down."

Knock: "Wait you can erase your own memory's?"

Tong: That made me laugh as I shake my head and stand up to head for the closet. "No I can't erase my own memory's, I wish I could but I cant. The only people that can erase or alter a vampires memory's are other vampires. Well to be specific they have to pure bloods. Other than that it's not possible."

Knock: He was silent for a little bit before his voice rang through the room. "Have you thought about asking Max or your parents to erase your memory once the war is over?"

Tong: My fingers went still against the shirt I was about to pull out as I stare at it realizing it was one of Win's before whispering. "Yes, I have thought about it a few times but I d-don't think I want to... The memory's I have with him are too precious to erase,  even if I can't s-share them with him anymore..."

I don't think he was able to hear me...

Knock: "... Hey Tong?!?"

Tong: Gripping the shirt not wanting the sadness to overwhelm me I pull it off the hanger and exchange my current shirt for Wins. "What's up?"

Knock: When I left the closet he was rubbing the back of his neck. "I spoke to your mother before I got here. She said that it's almost time for the ceremony. I guess your father still wont allow anyone to see Win except you because he doesn't let her into the room and he wants to hold a closed casket ceremony..."

Yeah I couldn't understand why he wouldn't let anyone else see Win either but there wasn't a whole lot I could do about that.

Tong: "What time does she want to hold it?"

Knock: "In the next hour or so,  she's waiting for your fathers meeting to end first." He was silent for a minute as I tried not to show the fact that everything inside of me was going insane right now. "Is it okay that I call them your parents? I don't know how you feel about that, I should have asked first."

Tong: Letting out a small sigh I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. "Thank you Knock for helping me with all of this..." He was surprised from my sudden spurt of affection before hugging me back with a sad smile. "And don't worry about the specifics. Win and I are still married in my eyes so his parents will always be my parents."

Knock: "of course..."

We stayed like that for what seemed like forever until my hands had a semi permanent crinkle in his shirt. Not feeling as alone as I did moments before felt nice.

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