Part 29

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**Max's POV**

My body felt different than my head does. 

Physically I felt regenerated and healthy but mentally I felt like someone had continuously hit me in the brain with a brick.

I could tell that there was something I was suppose to be remembering but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was and it was making me have a migraine...

Moving my arm to my side I could feel something soft which made me run my hand up and down trying to figure out what it was. 

Knock: Barely a whisper causing my arm to stiffen up. "Are you seriously feeling me up in my sleep right now?"

Max: I tug my hand to my chest as my face turns red. "I-I didn't mean to, you were just there when I reached my arm out. I'm sorry..."

Knock: He rolls onto his side and then pulls himself onto my chest until his head was resting against my arm. "I'm glad you woke up."

Max: "How long have I been sleeping?"

Knock: He glances over at the phone that was by his side. "It's currently 8 in the morning so you've been out for about 17 hours."

Max: "Wait, I've been sleeping for 17 hours?"

Knock: He nods slowly before running his fingers over my chest. "Yea I soaked you in the tub for about 3 hours and that seemed to calm you down a little bit and than you slept the last 14 hours."

Max: I was confused to why I was sleeping for so long. "Why did I pass out all of a sudden from what I remember I woke up and called Mew and than I went to find..."

I accidently elbowed Knock in the side as I sat up in bed and stared at the wall in front of me. Yesterday morning fills my mind like a flood as I try to press it back into my head. My hands began to shake as my breathing became irregular. 

Knock: He rests a hand on my arm and wraps his other arm around my waist. "Max, you need to take deep breaths and try to tell me what's going on."

Max: "I-I didn't remember what happened but now it's all in the front of my head and it's a little overwhelming." My hand was in a fist by my side as the face of that little asshole that killed Win flashes into my head. Than I remembered Tong who was hanging from the ceiling before I passed out. "How is Tong holding up?"

Knock: "He's okay... He was pretty bad when we first got back. He was obsessing over a book where he wrote down everything he could remember but I didn't look at it. I figured it would be best if you read it first. Than we had to reset the bones in one of his arms and other than that he's been sitting at Win's coffin for the last 6 hours. He was waiting for you to wake up before doing the ceremony."

Max: "Okay... I want to take a look at that book as soon as I can. Has anything else happened since I passed out?"

Knock: "Uhm yea but I think you should get some rest before I tell you."

Max: "Just tell me..."

Knock: He was messing with his fingers before he rests his head against my shoulder. "Your father told me to send you to him as soon as you wake up and Mew just got into town about 4 hours ago. Him and Gulf have been in your fathers study talking about the issue concerning the laws the VHS group broke..."

Max: "What about the vampire that was working for the VHS?"

Knock: "As far as anyone knows there were a few half bloods that disappeared a few months ago but other than that there's nothing. Tong did mention that the half-blood that killed Win was turned by a pure blood that was taken though. I guess he hates vampires just as much as the VHS does but he didn't see any other way to get revenge for Zee's death so he basically chose to become there secret weapon..."

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