Part 16

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**Max's POV**

There was a slight sting in the back of my head as I let out a groan. How much did I fucking drink last night? I remember leaving and getting waisted at the bar and than I got in a fight with one of the customers and they threw me out and than...

I tried to open a door with a fork, Tul showed up, he put me into a bath and than knock he...

Wait it was Knock the whole time, we talked and...

Shit we talked!

My eyes pop open and I'm immediately greeted by a familiar ceiling and the sound of cars out side of the motel room. 

I fucking came back...

Letting out another groan I bring a hand up to my head as I try to sit up only to realize that there was an arm around my waist. 

No, No, No...

Slowly looking over to my left I saw a naked Knock sleeping next to me, the towel that was once wrapped around his waist last night was now hanging off the side of the bed and mine was wide open. 

I could feel my body becoming warm as I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing. I need to stay calm and slowly get out of here. 

I need to leave while he's still sleeping or this could get...

No, I can't do that...

I told him yesterday I wouldn't leave.


I should at least try to get out of bed and get dressed and than wrap him in blankets so I don't loose control.

Yes, wrap him in lots and lots of blankets so he turns into a cute burrito instead of something hot as hell...

Letting out a shaky breath I gently grab his arm and try to slide it off of me when he moves in his sleep and slides his leg over mine causing me to bite my lip so I didnt make any noise because the moment his leg pushed over mine I could feel him, His thigh, his side, his chest, his arms and his...

His very hard member that was pressed against my side now and it sent chills up my spine. 

This is probably the worst possible timing for any of this, I haven't slept with anyone in 50 years and the one person that could make me feel anything was pressed to me from head to toe and he doesn't even remember who I am!!...

In my panic I think he could feel me shaking because he slowly rubs his head against my shoulder and than mumbles something before he opens his eyes.

I was frozen in place as he slowly pushes back to look at me with wide eyes and than looks down at both of us which didn't help since we were both very much naked and both had very hard members at the moment...

Knock: Barely a whisper as his face grows red. "U-uhm Max, what's going on?"

Max: I let out an embarrassed groan as I cover my eyes with my hand. "I woke up and you kind of attached yourself to me."

Knock: "Oh... Wait really?"

Max: That made me chuckle as I nod and try my hardest to ignore the presence of this very very naked man. "Yea, could you um detach yourself a little bit?"

Knock: He looks down shyly. "Sure..."


Asking him to move was a mistake...

because the moment he did my body shivered from his touch and I could feel myself changing. My eyes were itchy, my brain was fuzzy and the points of my teeth were against my gums now. I could see the surprise in his eyes as I quickly look away and continue to focus on my breathing. 

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