Part 22

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**Knock's POV**

By the time we got to Bangkok we were all emotionally drained. It was like, with each passing minute and hour that went by the amount of unease in the air grew. 

Each one of us was too paranoid to bring up a conversation about what was going on because we were afraid of going down that road. I could feel it though, it was like mini tidal waves of unease coming at me from both directions as Win spent hours going through photo's of himself and Tong and than Max was watching movie after movie while I just glanced between the two of them not really knowing what to do. 

I was still trying to process the fact that I was even here right now, if anyone was to tell me a week ago that the man in my dreams since I was little was a vampire I fell in love with 50 years ago and I had to go to Bangkok to save one of his friends from people we weren't 100% sure about, I would have never believed them. 

I wouldn't have even believed the first part of that...

It did help that I had my memories from back than but the thing I couldn't get myself to acknowledge was when I killed Zee. It was eating me up slowly, even if I didn't think about it I could still see his face in my mind like a ghost that continuously haunts me. 

My own personal nightmare...


Max: He rests a hand on my thigh as we continue the hour drive to his parents house. "Are you okay?"

Knock: I just stare at his hand as I try to think about what I could say that wouldn't make him any more worried than he already was. "Yea, I'm okay. The 21 hour flight kind of kicked my ass though, so I'm a little tired right now."

Max: He nods his head again before looking in the rear view mirror. "What are you staring at?"

Win: I couldn't help but turn around to find Win scowling at us. "Do you guys realize how single you two make me feel and I'm the married one."

Max: "Don't worry we'll have Tong back soon and than you can rub it in our faces how married you two are. Sound good?"

Win: He just rolls his eyes before staring out the window. "It makes me anxious that he's not by my side, I don't like thinking about what he could be going through right now. What if they hurt him?"

Knock: "Try not to think about it too much, remember we need to be clear headed so we can come up with a good plan and work together. The best way for this to succeed is together."

Max: "Knock is right, we shouldn't be thinking about these things. Have you told mom were coming home yet? We should be there in about 20 minutes..."

Win: "No I haven't told her yet, I figured we could just show up. We might want Knock to stay in the car first though so they don't hurt him the moment they see him. You know how sensitive they are to vampires being with humans, especially with your history with him. There not going to like it one bit."

Knock: "Is it going to be a problem having me stay with you?"

Win: "Yes."

Max: "No!"

Knock: I look at him feeling even more worried about it now than I did before. "What's going on?"

Max: "Nothing, our parents just don't really agree with a relationship that isn't a pure/pure blood couple. It doesn't help that I'm technically not suppose to exist so I shouldn't bring alot of attention to myself so marrying a half-blood was already my best bet for my parents and after finding out that I loved a human the first time they flipped out and now there going to find out again and it's just not going to be pretty is all."

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