Part 13

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**Knock's POV**

Once again work has become my best friend. 

The last 3 months I have been taking every shift I can and hanging out with Yu during all of my free time. Between work and Yu I have been able to forget for the most part about the mistakes I made that one night. 

Thankfully Mix actually kept his word this time and has been keeping his distance from me unless it was work related. 

Doesn't help that I have Drake breathing over my shoulder wondering why I've been acting so strange lately but I don't care he needs to get a life of his own. 

On top of that I don't know what to do about the mystery man, ever since that night I haven't seen him again and I am starting to think that it was a figment of my imagination since I was drunk...

Knowing that made me feel even worse because that means that I made up an imaginary person in my own head to justify the fact that I was sleeping with Mix. 

I don't know what to do anymore.

For that past month I've been seeing a therapist to see if I really was going crazy but she said that all I needed was more sleep and less stress. 

No matter how many times she tells me this though, I can't bring myself to believe her. She can't see what I see and what I've seen. 

Every single fucking night I can see that bedroom and man next to me as I lay in a bed all stitched up. Some times it's different but I can ever remember the details when I wake up. 

The only thing I know for sure is that man's face but how is it possible to think about a person I have never met before?

All of these thoughts are pointless...

I keep going round and round in circles for the last 3 months and I just want it to end. I just want everything to make more sens...

Yu: He starts to knock on the door with something gripped in his hand. "Hey dad can I go over to Aunt Lulu's today? She promised me last week that we could paint today."

Knock: Letting out a sigh I sit up in bed as he walks over to me. "Did you do all of your homework?"

Yu: He nods once before handing me the papers that were in his hands. "I did it first and I wanted to ask you to go over it with me."

Knock: "Okay." Looking down at each piece I could see that there were only a few minor errors but other than that he was doing really well in his assignments. "You have two wrong on this sheet and another wrong on that one. Other than that your good, go and re-due them and than I will call Lulu and see if she is ready for you to come over yet. Sound good?"

Yu: His face starts to light up as he quickly shuffles the papers together and dashes out of the room. "Call Aunt Lulu, I've got this!!"

His reaction made me laugh as I glance around the room for my phone. I really don't know where I would be right now if I didn't have Yu or Lulu. She has saved me on more than one occasion and taught me things I never knew I needed to know. 

Taking care of children in the hospital is easier than taking care of your own. Yu isn't even a handful, he is actually a really good child I just have trouble balancing my life sometimes. 

No matter what though I would never change a thing when it comes to bringing him into my life. 

I ended up finding my phone hiding underneath a few of my blankets by my side because my phone was dinging with notifications from Drake. 

Ignoring all of his messages for the 3rd time this week I scroll through my phone to find Lulu's contact.

Knock: It only had to ring once before she picked up. "Hey sis, I heard that your going to teach Yu how to paint."

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