Part 9

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**Knock's POV**

Why is it so loud right now?

The moment we walked into the club everything was stupidly loud and Mix was just grinning from ear to ear. 

Knock: "Hey are you sure this is a good idea?"

Mix: He nods once before leaving me at our seats and than appearing with shots. "Of course this is a good idea, come on were going to have fun. You need to loosen up a bit. You promised me 2 hours."

Knock: Staring at the glass in his hand I slowly nod before grabbing it and downing it. "Okay."

Taking that first drink was a mistake. I knew about the fact that I am a light weight and I try not to drink a lot because I am always on call and it's not good to be a hung over doctor. See the issue is that I know my limit is 3 shots and I am currently on number 7. I'm not even sure how I had gotten this high but everything felt good and the music no longer hurt my head.

Everything in my brain was telling me to just have fun and deal with the consequences in the morning but deep down I knew I was going to regret it. 

Mix had a strong hold on my hand as he pulls me onto the dance floor with everyone yelling and laughing around us. Right now it was a fairly upbeat song and I just wanted to stay in my bubble. At first nobody touched me until more people gathered together on the dance floor causing Mix and I to come closer than we were before. 

As the night went on he had ended up grinding against me and at this point I was too lost to care. He smelled good like he use to and the memories of when we use to be happy together took over in my mind. 

Mix: He was pressed against me as I grip his hips and he leans before kissing my collar bone. "I really missed you..."

Knock: "Mmmm."

Mix: "Can we be together tonight like we use to?"

Knock: "Mmmm.."

I wasn't even fully paying attention to what he was saying I just knew I liked the familiar feeling of his body. I was always too afraid to admit the fact that I missed him, to him and myself. 

His scent, his voice, his touch, I missed it all and I was ashamed with myself that I missed it after what he did.

Mix: "I'm going to go to the bathroom I'll be right back."

Knock: "O-okay..."

I wanted to protest when the warmth of his body left mine but I didn't want to seem greedy so I let him go. More time seemed to endlessly fly by when a stranger handed me another drink and I drank it. 

Where did Mix go?

Stranger: I was looking around trying to find him when someone taps on my shoulder. "Excuse me?"

Knock: Slowly turning around I am faced with a beautiful man that almost didn't seem real. I was trying to think about where I had seen him before as I begin to smile. "Hi."

Stranger: He seemed nervous and that's when it hit me this was the man I ran into the other day, he really is something else though. "Uhm, do you want to dance?"

Knock: Looking around I was trying to make sure he was talking to me until he refused to move so I figured it really was me he was talking to as I begin to nod. "Sure."

Stranger: "Just follow my lead."

Knock: I didn't want to seem weak Infront of him because a lot of strangers assumed I was the submissive one since I was too kind to be a dom. So I leaned close to his ear before grabbing his arm and lifting them over my head as I whispered. "I-I know you don't know me but I am not a bottom so don't worry about being gentle with me..."

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