Part 20

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**Max's POV**

I was fuming with rage the entire time we were on the way to the apartment. The moment we had gotten to the apartment earlier Win was already at the entrance waiting for Knock and I.

Knock: He slides a hand to my thigh and pats it gently as I strum my fingers against the steering wheel. "Calm down Max, being all worked up isn't going to help anyone right now. We need to all stay calm and try to think of the best solution to this but for right now the only thing we should be thinking about is getting on our plane and seeing your parents. Didn't you say something about your dad having a voice where you live?"

His words did calm me a little bit but I was still upset for the most part.

Win: He slams the door as he slides into the seat behind Knock. "Yea he worked as a police officer for a long time before he had to retire because of his age but once the next generation dies off he goes back to work for another 30 to 40 years. He only likes doing that one things." We were both just staring at him when he raises a confused brow at us. "What?"

Max: I point at Knock. "Nothing it's just that your awfully calm about all of this, and you haven't yelled at me about Knock yet."

Win: He looks at Knock for a second before letting out a sigh. "Does he remember who he was and all of us?"

Knock: "Uhm yea I remember everything, we think it might be because we were connected when I did so he kept a piece of my soul with him until he bit me again."

Win: He looks back at me as I start to drive to the airport. "You stupid peace of shit, you bit him again? Didn't you learn after the first time you bit him?"

Max: I couldn't help but laugh at that as I glance at Knock who was grinning at me. "I guess I didnt because I would do it again if I had to. Your kind of stuck with him."

Win: "Is there any way for me to change your mind?"

Max: "Nope, not even 1%."

Knock: I watched out of the corner of my eye as he turns in his seat to face Win. "To be fair he did try to stay away from me but I ended up falling at the book store and he saved me from hitting the floor and than he left in the morning but his drunk ass came back and tried to open the door with a fork."

Win: He starts to laugh. "You tried to open a door with a fork?"

Max: "Uh yea just a little bit."

Win: "Fine, I told myself that I would try to come to terms with this so if it is your decision than I will support it." He nods reassuringly before glancing back at Knock. "So what am I suppose to call you?"

Knock: He hesitantly looks at me for a second before looking back at Win. "I'm not really sure honestly, I'm still figuring that out. You can just call me Knock for right now."

Win: "Sounds good. Anyways what are we going to do about Tong?"

Max: "Well you probably have a better idea than either of us do. You were always closer to our parents and you keep in touch with them more than I ever do. Did you call them after I hung up our call?"

Win: He looks down in shame. "No I never called them, I figured this would be something that I need to do in person. I mean it took me 10 years to convince my parents to accept and marry him what do you really expect them to say?"

Max: "But that was in the beginning and nothing bad was happening. Plus you knew there reaction before you even introduced them to him. They have never been fans of half-bloods, I mean they dislike half bloods more than they dislike humans."

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