Part 4

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**Win's POV**

It was way too bright and early to be wide awake but here I was staring at the ceiling wondering what could have possibly triggered my brothers anxiety again.

The last time that happened he saw...

Letting out a sigh I place my arms under my head to get more comfertable.

The last time he freaked out was when he thought he saw someone that looked like Tul and frantically pulled him to him in the middle of a mall to find out that it wasn't in fact Tul.

Did he see someone again that reminded him of Tul?

Shaking my head I close my eyes anf try to think of something else. Thinking about Max gives me a headache every time. He's been a handful to handle for the last 50 years and I am finally able to let him go around himself without me following him wondering when he's going to get hurt again.

Thinking my brother was dead was not an easy thing to get over but time heals all wounds,  or so they say.

Plus I did have a little help along the way...

Tong: He tightens his grip around my waist before kissing my shoulder. "Are you thinking about last night?"

Win: Smiling down at him I begin to rub his head as I feel his wedding band against my side. "Yea,  just worried about Max like usual."

Tong: "Don't worry about it too much and come back to bed. We have to teach in a few hours and you havent been sleeping enough lately."

Win: "You really think he's okay?"

Tong: He nods his head against my shoulder before guiding my chin to look over at him. "He is strong Win,  it's not easy to loose someone you love. Luckly for me I had you by my side and we eventually got married and my pain stopped but Max is all alone and refuses to let anyone in. His pain will take a little longer to heal."

Win: "Maybe,  your right..."

Tong: I could hear the laughter in his voice. "Of course I am, now stop putting creases into your brow and hold me till I fall asleep again."

Win: With a grin I turn to him and pull him close to me as his leg slips between mine and I fold him into my arms. He's so warm... "Better?"

Tong: "Perfect..."

As he was sleeping against my chest I just silently think about how we had gotten to this point, it was definitly a reveltaion realizing that I had feelings for Tong.

After Zee and Tul died both men were a mess but unlike Max,  Tong actually let me look after him and take care of him.

To be fair our feelings took around 10 years to form after gaining trust and feelings I didnt know I even had.

It never dawned on me that I could like a guy but everything was flipped upside down when I found myself wanting to take care of Tong no matter what.

We also did it the old fashioned way too, it took 23 years for me to convince my parents to let me marry Tong. They didn't like the fact that he was a half blood but I didn't care.

Now I couldn't see a difference between pure and halfblood and it was refreshing.

Anyways, once they agreed we got married right away and its been what almost 18 years since.

Things have been nice and steady since than,  the only thing that stresses me out now is Max.

I was about to close my eyes when I could hear my phone vibrating against the table.

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