Part 32

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**Knock's POV**

I could see through my eye lids that all of the curtains in the room had been pulled back at some point and it made me groan as I turned onto my side that was facing away from the light.

Knock: Mumbling half asleep. "Max, why are all the curtains pulled back?" It was silent for a second before the sound of something dripping or running fills my ears. "Max what are you doing?" He still didn't answer me so I popped open one eye to see him super concentrated with a mug as a 6 inch gash is poring blood into the mug. I pop in a panic as I get up to grab something to help him. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

Max: He grabs my arm with his non injured one and laughs softly before pulling me back onto the bed. "Calm down, I heal remember? You have to drink my blood for you to transition so I thought I would have it ready for you for when you woke up."

Knock: I just stare at him dumb founded. "Wait you want me to do that now?"

Max: "Yea, why not?"

Knock: "I can't turn now, I need to go back to the United States and grab Yu, say goodbye to my sister, transfer from work and a say goodbye to everyone I know."

Max: "You can't do that after the turn?"

Knock: "No I can't do it afterwards, I want to be human when I say goodbye..."

Max: He stops what he was doing and just stares at his arm in silence as it heals together before whispering. "I'm sorry, I think I got a little too impatient. I didn't even think about how you would feel about this..."

Knock: I rest a hand on his arm with a small smile. "Don't worry about it, but I need closure before I leave everything from this life behind too..."

Max: "I understand."

That made me release a small sigh of relief as I lay back on the bed. Thank god he didn't try to push it, I might have agreed to all of this but If I was being honest I wasn't exactly ready for it yet. 

Like I said, I think having closure and saying goodbye to everyone I know is the best way for me to cut off ties and start over. It also limits the danger my sister will be in once I turn. I don't need people going after her because of me...

Than Yu will be with me so Max and I can keep him safe.

The only other person I'm going to miss will be my best friend, what am I suppose to tell Drake? 

He's been blowing up my phone since I left but I've been ignoring his calls and messages because I don't know how to say goodbye...

Knock: "If you want we can leave tomorrow... If we order the tickets now, and leave tomorrow than we will get there by Thursday since it takes almost an entire day to get there from here."

Max: He looked a little more happy now as he nods once and sets the cup on the dresser. "That's a good plan, we should probably ask Tong if he want's to come with us to grab everything from our home. If not than I can pack our things by myself, atleast the important things and than have others pack the rest and ship it to us. You'll have to do the rest."

Knock: "True, I'll only pack the important things for now and than get the rest of the stuff sent over... I don't think I'm going to worry about selling my house, I kind of want to give it to my sister. She lives in a rented house right now and I know she would be happy to not have to pay monthly for rent. If I'm not going back than I won't have a use for that house either way..."

It was strange thinking about the actual details of this though because it was slowly hitting me that once I left I wouldn't be going back. 

This is going to be the last time I see my sister...

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