Part 34

332 33 15

**Knock's POV**

It's strange being here again, I know it's only been about a week since I left but it just didn't feel like my life anymore. In a way my past life has swallowed my current life and now I have to adjust everything for it.

Which I don't mind doing but it's a little overwhelming. 

Atleast this would be the easy part... 

Another thing I didn't think about was the fact that I'm not wearing my work uniform so a lot of the patients aren't asking me for help as I walk down the hallways. It was a weird feeling not being pulled from one tragic scenario to another.

I didn't have the heart to tell Max about this yet but I don't plan on going back to work...

Yes, I told him that I was going to transfer to some hospital in Bangkok but I really don't know If I would be able to do that. Especially after turning all I will want and crave is blood. I will be a half blood not a pure blood so the craving will always be there. 

No matter how hard I fight it or try to give into it, It will always be there and I need to think of that. I don't want to harm anyone, I chose to be a doctor in this life time and that means saving people not hurting them. 

So I don't intend on doing this anymore. Today will be the last day I step foot into a hospital, atleast until the day I can learn to control my hunger. 

Thats the best thing for everyone.

Somehow I had wandered to the elevator and now I was headed up to the 6th floor. I knew that Drake would be working today so I'm hoping that I can say goodbye before going to see the CEO of the hospital. 

Than I will quit...

As I was waiting in the elevator all I could think about was the sadness that Max was showing before he dropped me off. I can understand why he would be worried about me after everything that happened but the people I'm going to see would never hurt me so he shouldn't have to worry so much. 

I just wish I knew how to comfort him so he doesn't freak out every time I try to leave. 

Maybe it's just because I'm weak right now, once I turn I wont be as easy to kill as I am now. 

The elevator began to ding to let me know that I had reached my floor when the doors slide open and I was greeted with the familiar work space I was going to miss.

Unfortunately the first person that I saw wasn't the person I wanted to see. 

Mix: He saw me walking out of the elevator when checking a patience blood pressure when he smiles at me and finishes up. I try to walk past him but he jogged up to me and caught up. "Hey, where have you been?"

Knock: I let out a sigh before turning to him before sticking my hands behind my back so I don't end up ringing his neck. "I had to go out of town for a bit for personal reasons."

Mix: He raises a brow at me in confusion. "You do realize we were together for a while I know when your lying. I also know all of your personal buisness and none of it requires you to go to Bangkok."

Knock: "Wait how did you know I was in Bangkok?"

Mix: He just shrugs his shoulders before smiling behind me. "Your friend told me after I asked him where you had gone. You were suppose to be working on that big operation that you've spent a year preparing for and than I found out that I had to do it. So you can see why I got suspicious. If you threw that chance away for a trip to Bangkok than it must of been awfully important."

Knock: "Well I need to..."

Drake: "KNOCKK!!" Now I was inwardly groaning to myself as I look behind me to see Drake grinning like a crazy person before he wraps an arm around my shoulders. "You know your suppose to pick up the phone when someone calls you. The least you could have done was read my messages or send one to let me know your okay. Dropping off the grid for almost a week is not cool man, especially after I helped you get time off too."

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