Part 5

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**Tong's POV**

It was a fairly decent day, all of my students were fairly good at paying attention and I was anxious for lunch. 

The past 50 years have been rough but I think Win saved me from myself. After I lost Zee and than found out about all of the cruel things he had done, I was devastated. 

The day of his and Tul's funeral was the day I found out about Gun. He had barged into the building crying and demanding someone to tell him what happened. That's when he came up to me and smacked me. 

Of course I was confused as hell because for me I had just had some random stranger I had never seen come up to me and hit me. After that I found out about how him and Zee were together and he was only using me to keep an eye on Max. 

Once the truth was out I locked myself up for a few months until Win would come in every Saturday and bring me a book to read. Than it progressed to two books and a meal and on wards. He would start to do it on Wednesday and Saturdays before it became an every day thing. 

After two years he would fall asleep next to me in my room because I would have nightmares and there were a few glances and gestures that kind of hinted at the fact that we were into each other but neither of us were ready to admit it. 

It had gone like this for what seemed like forever and before we knew it we were flirting for 10 years. After one night when the both of us got a little drunk we kissed for the first time and than spilled the fact that we liked each other. 

One of the hardest things was convincing his parents but now that it's over and we've been happily married for 17 years I don't feel so sad anymore. Every once in a while I do get flashbacks and it's kind of hard to have sex on a daily bases but I am slowly getting better. I don't even know what it is, there are just some days where I am not in the mood and if Win even gives me a hug I will break down in tears. 

No matter how much I push away though he is always by my side encouraging me to over come my fears. 

I love him so much...

Becca: She raises her hand as I shake my head to clear my mind before nodding toward her. "Sir, what is the solution for question 3?"

Tong: Looking down I flip through my book and than grab my chalk before turning around. "For this we need to start with the equation of..."

Win: The door slowly opened to a smiling Win. "Am I interrupting?"

Tong: "Win it's the middle of class!"

Win: He glances at the clock before laughing. "Lunch started 5 minutes ago, did your students forget to tell you again?"

Tong: I look at the clock to see if he was right and than I groan before turning my attention to my students. "Really?"

They all start laughing before each one of them began to pack up. I watched silently as they all exit the classroom one by one until Win walks up to me and kisses my cheek. 

Win: "You need to learn to stop day dreaming in class."

Tong: "Hey if my students enjoyed eating lunch more than teasing me than this wouldn't be an issue."

Win: He helps me organize my things as I wipe off the chalk board. "Where does your mind wander every day?"

Tong: "The past mostly."

Win: "I wish I was able to find a way to help you forget."

Tong: "It's really okay, I don't mind. Some days are just harder than most."

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