Part 7

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**Knock's POV**

I was tired, probably more tired than I have been in a while now. Last night was exhausting, I guess Mix didn't listen to me when I told him to go home after bringing Yu his lunch because as soon as I got off my shift of work he was waiting for me in my living room. 

Yes I understand that we bought that house together and that we were serious for a long time but he is the one that hurt me first so why do I feel like I am obligated to give him a second chance?

Well we ended up getting into an argument and accidently woke up Yu who of course ran over to Mix the first chance he could. I think If I ever meet someone again I want Yu to be the last person to meet them because he get's attached to people easily. 

Drake: I was leaning against my locker going through my list of patients when he comes up to me and pats me on the back. "Hey it's only the afternoon and it looks like you could pass out any minute, maybe you should take some time off you kind of need it and I never see you taking time for yourself anymore."

Knock: Shaking my head I slide my clipboard back into my locker and turn to him. "I don't need it, a lot of unexpected things just seemed to have happened last night so it was kind of hard to get any sleep."

Drake: "Are you sure? I could always take over your runs for you and I don't think any of the others would mind either. We all know that when you take time off it's only when you really need it."

Knock: Resting a hand on his shoulder I give him a sad smile. "Really, I'm okay."

Drake: Barely a mumble as I begin to walk away. "Stubborn..."

Knock: That made me laugh as I exited the locker room. "Always have been and always will be my friend!" I was looking down when I had exited the room so I hadn't seen who was standing in front of me until I looked up. "No."

Mix: "Knock please just hear me out."

Knock: I point at the dark circles under my eyes from last night. "Do you see this? This is what happens when I listen to you now. I don't know what I have to do to get you to give up already, I am not interested."

Mix: He holds his hands up in defense before stopping in front of me so I couldn't go anywhere. "Please just go to one place with me tonight and if your not happy afterwards than I will leave you alone and you won't have to speak to me again okay?

Knock: "You said that last time and here you are."

Mix: "I mean it this time Bun Bun..."

Knock: That made me panic. "Don't!... D-dont call me that, you lost that privilege a long time ago and I don't believe you."

With that I turned around and walked away from him before he could tell me more lies. Once I was around the corner and out of his eye sight I slowly sit against the wall and hold my head in my hands.

Why did it have to be so hard to see him each time? I'd be lying if I said I didn't love him anymore but I just can't trust him. It might have been one time that he slept with someone else but once is enough to know that he didn't truly love me...

Taking in a few deep breathes I slowly stand back up and head toward the 4th floor. There were these twins that were born prematurely and I want to make sure that there doing okay. I can worry about personal matters when I'm not at work. 

As I was making my way through the hospital multiple people waved and greeted me on my way to my destination but I think I knew maybe half of them. There were so many people that come in and out of here that its hard to remember everyone. The ones with more extreme or miracle like cases are the ones I remember most. 

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