Part 11

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**Tong's POV**

Even though I had to make it to work on my own today the day went by fairly quickly but it was strange at the same time. Throughout my lessons it felt like there was someone watching me and I wasn't sure why. 

I mean getting stared at was fairly normal considering that I teach students that have to look at me every single day but this felt different. Almost like the person looking at me didn't want to be found and it made shivers run up my spine. 

After my last class ended and I was on my way home though the feeling disappeared and I was able to relax again.  Maybe Win will be able to tell my more once I'm back. Hopefully he found out what was bugging Max too, than I wont have to watch him waking up cold sweats anymore or mumbling in his sleep. 

With my bag on my shoulder I was fumbling around with my key to put it into the lock when I begin to hear yelling and banging noises from inside.

What the fuck?!

Quickly I open the door and just stood there at the sight.

Win: He had Max in a head lock in the kitchen. "I HAVE OFFICIALLY HAD IT WITH YOU!"

Max: He was wresting his way out of the head lock but it wasn't working. "I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING WRONG, HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW I EXIST!"

Win: I was glued to my spot as Max flips him over his shoulder as Win lets out a grunt. "DO YOU WANT HISTORY TO REPEAT ITSELF?!?"

Max: Win had kicked his feet out from under him before crawling on top and slamming him against the floor. "I WONT LET HIM DIE THIS TIME."

Win: I was going to take a step forward when Win lets go of his hold on Max and rests against the cabinets while breathing hard. "YOU ARE A..." He lets out a groan as he rests his head against his knees. "You are a fool brother, no matter how many times you wish for him to come back he never will. That man is not Tul..."

Max: "I am not wrong this time Win... I know he has a different name and background but you saw it yourself he looks and sounds just like him."

Win: "I don't care either way, were going home."

Max: His eyes go wide in shock. "WHAT?!?"

Win: He looks up with a sigh. "Were going home tomorrow. Pack your shit, I am not going to let him ruin you all over again. He will die one day whether he knows you or not and than you will spiral and I am going to end this obsession before it gets worse."

Max: "I don't care what you say I am not going home, you promised me a year and it has only been 3 months. I have 9 left and than you can do whatever the fuck you want. I won't go."

Win: "MAX?!?"

Max: He gets up shaking his head before grabbing his jacket and walking out. "I'm not going home!"

Tong: Win had gotten up to rush after him but I grabbed his arm and held him back as he looks at me with wild eyes. "Leave him be and tell me what's going on."

Win: He looks at me in shock before pointing after Max. "But he..."

Tong: "He needs to cool down, if you go after him right now you two might actually rip each others heads off. Just let him go, hell be back in the morning."

Win: I could see that he wanted to protest but I shake my head before he sighs with anger and turns toward our room and slams the door. "Fine."

I was left in the door way as I try to put together everything that had just happened. 

I'm guessing Max found someone else that looks like Tul again and now Win is upset. 


With a sigh I set down my bag onto the counter and start to go through my things as I hear the water to the shower running. 

I guess Win is going to take another hot shower to cool himself down. I always found it strange because I use to take cold showers to cool myself down but he is the complete opposite of me. 


It was 1:20 in the morning now as I sip some tea that I had made to keep me awake as I work on grading homework assignments at the kitchen table. Win was still locked up in the room probably asleep at this point and I didn't mind, I was use to it when he threw tantrums. 

At least he wasn't trying to kill anyone this time. He tends to get violent when he is upset or protective. I had this one guy at a bar around 4 years ago try to hit on me and Win attacked him even though he knows perfectly well that I can handle myself. 

It will be annoying that I have to teach classes in a few hours with no sleep but it wouldn't be the first time either. 

Ehh, sleep is for the weak. 

Letting out a yawn I stand up to make myself another cup of coffee when my phone dings over and over again.


Who would be texting me this early in the morning?

Maybe it was Max letting me know that he was coming home or maybe it was Win telling me to come to bed since he rarely liked it when I wasn't next to him. 

But as soon as I picked up my phone and opened the message my cup slipped out of my fingers and shattered against the floor before I slowly leaned against the table in confusion.

W-who the fuck sent me this?!?...

Stranger: "You deserve to rot in hell with the rest of your kind." 

Stranger: "There is no where to hide now that you have finally been found."

Stranger: "Are you ready to die?"

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