Part 14

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**Max's POV**

This was not something I thought I would be doing today...

Originally I just wanted to watch him this weekend and than mentally say goodbye but how can I stand to say goodbye when he is always running into trouble?


I had slowly laid him on the floor as I gathered all of his things into his bag and threw it over my shoulder and I made my way over to him and slowly picked him up until he was resting against my chest bridal style. 

I knew that I couldn't just leave him laying here in the middle of the library so I did the first thing I could think of and it was probably not my smartest idea...

On my way to the hotel I had booked the night before I could see people staring at me as I carried him across the town but I didn't care. No matter what anyone thought, his health and condition came first. I just want to know why he passed out as soon as he saw me.

Maybe he has an injury I don't know about, than again I can see that he hasn't been getting any sleep lately. 

Why is he working himself so thin?

Most of my attention was set on him as we finally made it to my door. He was stirring around a little bit but I didn't care, I want to wipe him down and get him into bed so he can get some rest. 

He obviously needs it. 

When I was finally able to open up the door I kicked it the rest of the way open with my foot before making my way to the back of the room. Not caring about closing it yet I stop at the foot of the bed before gently resting him against the sheets. 

He looks like a little kid when he's sleeping...

All peaceful and happy looking.

With a slow sigh I make my way back over to the front door and push it shut before placing our things at the foot of the door. 

Next I peeled off my jacket and hung it on the hook by my head as I made my way over to the bathroom to search for some wash clothes. With the amount of exhaustion he has in his body I'm afraid he's going to over heat. 

Thankfully the hotel stocks wash clothes so I didn't have to go to the store and get some while leaving him here all by himself. The first thing I wanted to do was soak them in water and then ring them out so they were only a little damp and than I made my way over to him. 

Some how he had made his way onto hid side so I had to gently push him back onto his back before I started unbuttoning his shirt. 

With each new inch of skin I could feel my breathing quickening. He really does look the same as before but I'm still not 100% sure that he's Tu...

My hands went still as my brain tried to process what I was seeing. I was able to pull Knock's shirt to either sides of his waist but what I was greeted with was a good 2 to 3 inch birthmark against his chest. 

Just like mine...

Max: Barely a chocked whisper. "T-tul?..."

Not being able to help it I reached out a hand and slowly ran my fingers against the outline of the mark. 

So this is the pain I caused you?

I'm sorry Tul, I'm sorry...


This is no longer Tul, I need to remember that just because he is the reincarnation of Tul doesn't mean he is the same person. They were both studying different things, they had different lives and their personality's are different too. 

The weight of this information made me feel a little sick, I knew it was suppose to be good news and it was suppose to make me happy but It didn't. It was easier to think that he was the reincarnation of Tul than actually knowing that he's the reincarnation. 

If that makes any sense...

What does any of this even mean though? 

It means, nothing. 

I can't get my hopes up, I need to stay in the shadows. I can't be the reason he gives up again.

Not again...

Feeling a sharp pain in my chest I grab one of his note books from his backpack and rip out a piece of paper before sitting down to write him a note. 

Max: "I saw you faint at the book shop. I hope everything is going okay for you, try to take care of your health more and get some more rest. I paid for the hotel until tomorrow and I wont be coming back so feel free to sleep here for as long as you would like. Your belongings are by the front door and I'm going to put your shirt and pants on the chair beside you. You were a little warm when I was carrying you so I took of your outer layer of clothing. I hope you don't mind. I am sorry I wont be here when you wake up but I think that is for the best. Get better soon."

I couldn't help but re-read it a second and third time to make sure that it was okay. This would be the only thing I say to him before I go back to watching him from afar. 

It was the best I could do to make sure he has a good future. 

Placing the note on the night stand I stop for a second and glance over at him before leaning down and gently pressing my lips to his forehead. 

Not wanting to cause any trouble I slowly get up and back away as I feel my eyes begin to water. I wanted to stay and wait for him to wake up and take care of him but I knew I couldn't.

This was my cruel reality...

Knowing that the longer I stayed here the harder it would be to leave I close my eyes, let out a sigh and grab my things before leaving the room. 

My emotions were on high and I could feel my eyes changing with the overwhelming feelings as I made my way over to the closest alley way before sitting down against one of the walls. From my feet to my hands my entire body was shaking from the feeling of loss all over again. The tears had no where to hide anymore as I began to sob. 

I just needed to keep telling myself that I did the right thing...

This was the right thing to do.

No matter what happens now it was the best option for him.


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