Part 25

298 26 8

**TRIGGER WARNING for 25, 26, & 27**

**Tong's POV**

This morning was a blur of movement and emotions. 

First everyone was rushing around like crazy as they continued to say that they weren't ready and than they kept saying that everything had to be ready for when she got here. I would really love to know who she is and why she has people treating me like vermin when I literally haven't done anything to anyone since the day I turned. 

I could barely remember talking to Win if that's even what that was before this douche bag broke all the bones in my left arm. It also didn't help that they grew back kind of funny because I was hanging from the ceiling by my arms in what seemed to be another giant warehouse so every movement I made was filled with pain. 

My vision was blurry from the blood loss I was sustaining and every sense in my body was a little loopy. 

From the blood loss and whatever drug they had put into my system I was currently useless to anyone. 

I couldn't move and I could barely think. 

Everything was just pain...


I guess I had blacked out for a bit because when I woke up there was an elder woman sitting in front of me on a chair as she sips her tea while looking calm as fuck.

Stranger: She raises a brow at me with a slight grin. "Do you recognize me?"

Tong: It was hard to raise my head but I did it and there was something very vaguely familiar about her. "N-no..."

Xing: "My name is Xing, you and your friends killed my brother and my best friend. Do you at least remember that?"

The blood that was left in my body went cold as everything in this dark and twisted puzzle in my head began to make sense. She was the twin from 50 years ago, but what did she want from me? I never did anything to her and from what I remember Max and Win told me it was Tul who killed Zee and than himself so why is she targeting us?

She doesnt know the truth than?


Tong: "I-I remember you..."

Xing: She gives a small nod before pointing at the lunatic that's been my personal hell for who knows how many days now.  "That's good because I'm pretty sure the three of you are going to remember my name for a long time, even after the day I'm gone." She slowly looks me up and down with a frown. "I do apologize for my son, he got my brothers mental gene and also refuses to take his medication so he tends to go a little over board sometimes. Originally I didn't want him to hurt you but after a while I stopped caring so much. You are all the same, I hate every last one of you..."

Tong: I wanted to cry again, I didn't do anything wrong!! "P-please help me..."

Xing: That made her laugh hoarsely. "Why should I help you? I spent my entire life hating you for what your group did to my family. What makes it worse is that I was ordered to forget about it because that Pure blood shit your so close to. Apparently if a pure blood is involved we can't do anything about it and I am here to prove everyone wrong. I am going to kill your precious pure blood and than I will finally have the peace I asked for."

Tong: There was no way she could know that Max was a pure blood he's not aloud to tell anyone... "B-but Max is a h-half-blood..."

Xing: She turns her head to the side with a grin. "Did you think I was talking about Max? Sure I would love to kill Max but what I have planned for him is much worse than death. He's going to know how it feels to loose someone close to him. He will understand my pain." That doesnt make any sense, the only person close to him is Tul's reincarnation and Win. They wouldn't hurt Knock so who would they... My breathing picked up once it dawned on me and I tried to thrash out but I was stuck. She had such hatred in her eyes. "I see you understand me now, good."

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