Part 6

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**Max's POV**

After spending the entire day yesterday wandering around town I had passed out as soon as Win left my room last night. Today I won't be able to stay out as long as I did yesterday so I have maybe 5 hours before I have to head to work and it's not really something I'm looking forward to. 

Who knew there could be so many freaking library's in one place. No matter how hard I tried to zoom or figure out the name of the library from the article, I just wasn't able to find it. So I ended up looking online and writing down as many as I could find before leaving.

Right now I was visiting the 8th place on my list which was my second stop for today. 

Jogging up the steps of the library I push open the door and walk in. It seemed a little darker than most places I've visited so far but no matter where I looked or went I couldn't find the area that was photographed in the picture. 

Feeling a little down and disappointed I turn around to walk out of the library and start to aimlessly walk down the streets. Yea I know it's only been a day since I started doing research on this strange man that has appeared in my life but no matter how much I tried to forget about him I wasn't able to. There is just a part of me that keeps saying that he has something to do with Tul and I can't shake it off.

The coincidence of there appearances was just too close to not be related or the same person. 

Which the second option is just plain crazy so I have to assume that he must be related or something...

I was mumbling to myself about how ridiculous this is and how I might officially be loosing my mind when I end up bumping into someone.

Knock: He grabs my arm with a smile. "I am so sorry are you okay?"

Max: I was stuck in my tracks as he brushes off my arm. "I-I..."

Knock: He starts to laugh as he shoulders his bag. "I really do apologize, I am in a rush this morning and I didn't see you."

Max: "I-It's okay..."

Knock: "I'm glad, well I'm going to get going now."

With that he points behind him and than turns around and starts to walk away in the opposite direction. I was just stuck in my tracks as he walks away. Being this close to me proved that he really was the spitting image of Tul from 50 years ago. His face, his voice, his laugh, his manners, just everything seemed so similar...

Shaking my head I slowly come back to reality as I jog after him until I was at a safe distance. It seemed like he walked for at least another 30 minutes until he came upon a run down looking book store. Have I mistaken a bookstore for a library this entire time?...

Feeling a little dumb I wait until he walked in as I paste back and forth Infront of the store and than enter 10 minutes later. Walking around slowly I make my way toward the back of the area and after turning another corner I come upon the familiar background and Knock was resting against a wall with 4 books stacked around him. 

One looked like it had a picture of the human body on it, another had an eye on it and the last two were kind of blurry to really see from over here. Grabbing a book from the shelf next to me I sit down at a table and peak over my book at the man across from me. 

I knew that acting like this probably seemed strange to everyone but me but I didn't really care. I knew that this man didn't know who I am but it felt like I knew him.

Am I just going insane?

Around 3 hours had gone by now and no matter how much time I spent looking at this guy he just seemed so focused and into what he was learning. He had a notebook where he was jotting things down and every once in a while he would push away the hair that would fall into his eyes. 

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