(30): Playful

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The air was cool against your warm skin after walking around the market the whole afternoon. It was easy to get lost when there are so many little things to look at and hear about. The shop owners of the town are people you've come to love speaking to on your daily trip to the market to get fresh food for dinner. 

It was warmer today than usual, but you didn't mind much. It was nice to feel the sun. It was nice to look out at the fields on your short walk home. How bright and beautiful they looked as the warm sun shone up high in the sky. It was nice to feel whole in the space around you. 

There was no denying you'd fallen in love with France. 

It's been about a year and a half since you and Tendou moved right after high school ended. Your families of course were worried, along with all your friends. It shocked Tendou how emotional Ushijima got. 

It was like watching a dad lose their first born daughter to an out of state college. Dramatic. 

Val seemed to take it pretty well though. At first she was up in arms, preaching sisterhood and how moving so far away couldn't be healthy so young because we'll know no one and know NOTHING. She eventually came around once string bean spoke to her. 

But everything has seemed to work out fine. The language barrier at first was confusing and frustrated you far more than Tendou. He found it funny to watch peoples reactions to his mispronunciations. They always either laughed, scrunched their noses or gave him a blank stare. All of which sent him into a laughing fit he loved to giggle about later thinking back on the memory. 

It was admirable the way Tendou took such a drastic move. Turns out he's very good under pressure and always seemed to find a solution to any issue the two of you stubbled upon. 

You respect him more than before. 

Once home you sling the basket of fresh veggies and a loaf of fresh bread onto the kitchen counter and get to work making dinner for when Tendou returns from work. 

For the last few months it's been this way. You spend the morning cleaning up the house a little before going into town to get fresh foods for dinner. Tendou always comes home not long after you've returned. A fat smile on his face, happier than he's ever truly been. 

With a hand resting on top of your belly you sigh, looking out the kitchen window, "Time to cook." The next thirty minutes consist of you making a simple pasta dish. Lost in thought the whole time. 

Back home in Japan things always seemed fast paced. No matter where you ended up things seemed to move quickly. It felt like just yesterday Tendou was staring at you in the hallway with that skeptical look in his eye. Doing his classic head tilt. Back then you would've blushed or even brushed it off depending on your mood. Back then the idea of Tendou loving you as deeply and openly as he does now seemed like a dream. In Japan the world seemed to consume Tendou. Every little thing, every little emotion, seemed to bring out a deep emotion in him. He was so vulnerable at times. Back then you were worried about how the future would treat him. If he could stand the panic attacks and nightmares for long. Most of all you worried how long you'd be enough. You'd never imagined your lives getting so intermingled that you would be living in France day dreaming about soon being married to a man who makes chocolates all day. 

"I'm home, baby!" The sound of the door closing brings your daydreaming back to reality. Thankfully you'd cooked the simple dish without issue and had everything on the table on time, per usual. 

"How are you doing? How was your day?" Tendou gracefully walks into the room. His hair tied back in a messy ponytail, eyes brighter than the afternoon sun and smile beaming just as bright. All those worries you used to have about Tendou seemed so distant now. In such a short amount of time they'd became so distant. He's truly happy now. In his element. 

With a kiss on the forehead and a peck on the lips you smile back at him, "Our day was wonderful." Tendou was down on his knees now. Holding your stomach in his heads and placing tiny kisses to the growing bump. His eyes filled with love and admiration as he gently ran his hand over your belly. 

"I'm glad. I brought you home some chocolates." Tendou places a few more kisses to your pregnant belly before standing up once again. He still looms like he used to. Pressing his abnormal height against your own, tilting his head down at you with a rather playful glint in his eye.

It's in moments like these you realize everything is as it should be. Because no matter what, no matter where, and no matter the emotion Tendou will always have that damn look in his eye. The look that caught your attention in the first place. The look he gave you right before rejecting you by a vending machine. The look he gave you when he dropped twenty seven milk breads in your lap. The look he gave you when he had to run extra laps for kissing you. The look he gave you after fucking with Jiro on your first double date. And the look he gave you when he announced wanting to move to France after graduation. 

No matter the growth, no matter the changes, Tendou will always be playful at heart.

Just how you hope your son or daughter will be too...

"Why are you looking at me like that? You look like cupid shot something up your ass." Tendou waves his hand in front of your face. 

You narrow your eyes, scrunching your face up, "See, you ruined the moment."

With one swift motion Tendou wraps his arms around your waist, spins you around and pulls your back up against him. Hands gently resting on your belly as he leans over to rest his forehead on your shoulder.

The two of you stayed like that for a few moments before he finally spoke, "Thank you for making this life with me. I'm going to give the two of you everything you deserve and more. Just watch." 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now