(9): want

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Standing next to Tendou you felt so small. The way he stood didn't help either. Always so close. Looming over your fragile frame.
Currently you're stuck looking up at him. Your cheeks smushed as Tendou uses his hands to squeeze them together.
"So cute-! Squish!"
"Tendou...I'm trying to eat lunch."
"Why eat when I'm feeding you the best meal? My attention."
You laugh a little. Head shaking as you move a hand up and poke his forehead.
Tendou chuckles, dropping his hands from your face and starts to eat his vending machine lunch. You narrow your eyes at his meal. Slapping his hands away from the cheap food and scoot your lunch closer to him.
"Share." The only word that falls from your lips. Tendou complies, starting to eat the extra food you brought, "I knew you wouldn't eat a proper lunch. You never do. You need more proteins if you plan on practicing everyday!"
"I've been doing this for years. I'm fine..." His words come out in a groan but he knows you only say that because you care. Tendou isn't used to someone worrying about him. He's only used to having to worry about someone else. He spent the last few months worrying about someone else just for it to backfire.
Now, with Tendou deep in his thoughts, you crease your eyebrows. Staring at him. It's just like the volleyball game. He had the same look on his face that night.
Hurt and betrayal dance across his handsome face. Worry lines sinking in.
You push the lunch to the side and reach out to rest your hand on top of his but he flinches away. You frown. Starting to pull your hand away but Tendou grabs it, intertwining your fingers with his tightly. You scan his face, his eyes are closed and he lets out a breath.
"I've been avoiding this topic all together besides when I apologized to you...I had to explain my emotions then but, normally, I don't speak about my feelings. You make me so happy, (Y/N). In this short amount of time you've made me very happy. And I know this is a lot to ask, what I'm about to ask, but please listen to what I'm going to say so you understand why I'm going to ask it."
You only nod. Watching him. Tendou's head falls back. His eyes still closed. It's as if he can't look at you as he relives his words.
"I never officially dated this girl I was seeing. A Karasuno girl. We have been friends since we were children because our mothers were close. We saw each other most of my second year and her first, but I never asked her out...and this year I went back to her wanting something real. But she was in love with a Karasuno boy who was....let's just say a mess."
Your head quirks to the side, listening closely. You squeeze his hand in reassurance. Telling him you're still listening.
"...And when they broke up once, she wanted me. I took care of her. Stayed at her house. Missed practice and school to help pull her out of her depression. I put myself on the line like a fucking idiot," You squeeze his hand again as he gets worked up. Breaths fall from his lips before he continues, "anyways, after all the work I put in for her. I finally decided to work towards asking her out once she got better. I planned on taking her on a real date and asking her to be mine. But that same day she left me for that damn Karasuno boy...I have never felt worse in my life. I treated her with all my love. Sacrificed my career for her. Put myself out there. And she still chose some relationship I'd never call healthy."
You rub your thumb over his hand.
"...I was left heart broken. Because I thought she wanted me. Deep down I knew she never really did but I let myself be blinded by her actions...so my question is, do you want to be with me? Truly?"
It takes you a minute to take in everywhere he says. First off, you feel weird knowing this was so recent. Secondly, you feel angry and annoyed that a girl would play him like that. Even if he blames himself deep down it's not okay. Thirdly, you can't even imagine how'd you feel if that happened to you.
You move closer and hold his hand with both of yours. Pressing a small kiss to the top of his hand. Looking up at him. His eyes are now open, catching yours in an instant.
"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry about me. I want you."

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now