(5): nervous

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"Are you in any clubs?"
You nod, answering Tendou's next question, "I'm in the animation club."
"Wow! I didn't expect that one." He chuckles happily. Twisting his head slightly as he thinks of another question, "I have two more questions left. Let me think..." Tendou taps his fingers together. Clicking his tongue.
"What do you do on the weekends?"
"Take my dog to the park. Study. Draw. See Val."
"Is Val your only friend?" The question surprises you. Your breath hitches right as you're about to bite into your milk bread.
"Y-Yes...I don't care to be close to a lot of people."
This answer intrigues Tendou. He leans closer to you, you shutter at his closeness. He's so close you can smell his cologne once again. The sweet smell draws you closer unconsciously. As your mind spins in pure bliss, Tendou's mind fills with questions. Sadly, he's out of questions. He spent most of them asking little things to try to get to know your hobbies and everyday schedule. But that's beneficial. He plans to see you more now.
"T-Tendou-..." You stutter. He hadn't realized he leaned so close that your face is inches away from his. A smile creeps onto his face. His eyes flashing against yours.
"Y-You..." You take a deep breath. Balancing your nerves, "Why are you so curious about my life?"
Tendou is surprised by this question. His smile turns wild. Spreading across his whole face as his eyes seem to dance with cocky curiosity.
"Maybe I've taken a special interest in you."


By the end of the school day you're walking slowly to your club room. Bobbing your head to music.
You wave at a few of your peers here and there. Sending your school "friends" a small smile when they say hi.
Once you make it to the club room you tug at the door handle.
Dammit, you think. You wanted to finish up a project you were working on. Your plan was to finish it before the next club meeting so you could share it but looks like you'll need to push it out farther.
You turn around, making your way back out of school. The yells from the volleyball gym draw your attention away from your music. The boys are so loud you can hear them through your blaring headphones.
Slowly, you walk over to the door and peak your head in out of curiosity. Watching
Shiratorizawa's volleyball team up close was mesmerizing. The way they moved. How in sync they are. It was like they could read each other's minds. Everything seemed to flow perfectly.
You get so lost in watching the practice that you fail to notice their coach staring you down from the bench a few feet away.
"Girl!" The coach suddenly yells making you jump and pull your head back. A bright red blush covers your face, "Come back in here!"
Your feet move before you can process your movements. It seems the boys have all stopped. Tendou starts giggling out of control once his eyes land on you.
"Such a troublesome girl, (Y/N)-chan~" He teases.
Coach Washijō sends Tendou a tiny glare which makes the boy quiet down a little before going back to practice. Glancing over at you here and there just like the rest of the boys. Curiosity taking over all of them.
"Curious are we?" Washijō's voice is stern. His face looks so angry you wonder if he has short angry man syndrome.
"Y-yes, sorry. They're just amazing." You're so embarrassed.
"Then sit. Watch with me." The couch simply says before turning to watch the boys again. You awkwardly shuffle over and sit next to him. Eyes immediately locking with Tendou's who's eyes dance devilishly. Your presence makes him feel even more alive than before. Wanting to show off his great moves. But a feeling nags at his chest. The feeling of nervousness. Not at his skills or you judging him. But of you somehow thinking he's lame. Finding him unattractive somehow. Deciding to leave practice early and never speak to him again. Tendou's insecurity's sink deep into his chest. Weighing him down like a tone of bricks.
It becomes obvious to Ushijima at least that something is off right away. He knows his best friend too well to not notice.
He tosses Tendou a ball which Tendou misses.
This doesn't go unnoticed by Washijō.
"What was that?! We both know you're a machine! Focus!" Washijō screams over at Tendou who mutters a small apology before trying to refocus.
His mind slipping off into deep thought. Even the slightest glance of you out of the corner of his eye makes him become nervous.
Tendou mentally beats himself up over this. He's never been like this before.
Little does he know though; you're clamping your legs tight, eyes glued to his lanky frame, practically drooling over how good he looks while playing volleyball.
Washijō seems to be the only one who notices your goo-goo eyes. Chuckling quietly to himself before returning his attention to the boys.

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