(4): Milk Bread

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 You stare down at the meme Tendou has sent you, sneaking a glance at your phone that sits on your lap in class

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You stare down at the meme Tendou has sent you, sneaking a glance at your phone that sits on your lap in class. It was a work period so you found it easier to respond to his antics.
A slight giggle falls from your lips before you quickly stuff your phone away because of a glance from your teacher.
Class goes by quickly. Your head stuck in your work up until lunch dismissal.
You walk with your friend, Val, giggling with her about random inside jokes as the two of you goof off. You hold your lunch in your hands as the two of you walk to find a nice spot to sit.
It wasn't long until her boyfriend came to steal her though. Leaving you chewing your food, head stuck in your book.
At first you would get offended by your friend constantly leaving you to spend time with her boyfriend at school. But when she explained her parents forbid her from having a boyfriend because it was too distracting from her studies you understood. It takes immense studying to get into Shiratorizawa if you couldn't get a sports scholarship. This school was crawling with athletes and nerds.
You could see Val on the weekends. Her boyfriend could not. So you tried not to take things too personally.
There's a slight cough from above you. Catching your attention away from your novel.
"You didn't respond to my meme!" Tendou pouts above you. His large eyes narrow.
You immediately blush.
Just last night you were being unnaturally confident with him behind a phone. But that changes nothing about the emotions that overtake your usual behavior when you see him in person.
"I-I'm sorry! I was studying and then I forgot to reply." It was a little bit easier to talk now. Your knees no longer felt like melting when he spoke to you. But the blush on your face still drew a cocky smirk to dance across his plump lips.
"You forget about me so easily." Tendou's pout deepens. You figured he was just teasing you but the truth was he was scared of being forgotten. The last girl he was interested in easily threw him away. Never texting him again after she found the boy she wanted. A tiny red head at Karasuno. Number ten.
Tendou's eyes darken at the thought of that little weasel. You catch this mood shift easily, concern settling in.
"I'm so sorry! I never forget you..." You look down at your book with a wild blush.
What is wrong with me? I can flirt with any other guy without any problems. Why is this fuckface affecting me so much?, you mentally groan.
Tendou only smiles wildly down at you. Sitting down next to you immediately and picks at the lunch you've barely touched since your friend left. Helping himself to some food. Chowing down once you push it towards him as if to say "have it."
"You must eat! Open your mouth!" Tendou chirps after a minute of silence. You had gotten drawn back into your book, trying to ignore the cologne gutting your nose. You want to burry your head in his chest. You want to be buried in his scent. Your mind trails off, "Eat!"
Your attention is drawn back to the needy boy next to you, "Okay...okay, jeez." You open your mouth for him to place something in your mouth. Instantly your eyes widen.
"This isn't my lunch!"
"I know! I told you I'd drowning you in milk bread!" All of a sudden dozens of separate milk bread packages are poured onto your lap.
"Where did you get all these?!"
"Vending machine." His serious tone rings through your ears as you scrunch your eyebrows trying to do the math on how much money he just spent.
"Take them back! You can't spend so much money on me!" Your eyes are frantic due to the amount of eyes on the two of you now. Many finding it odd how many milk breads cover you.
Tendou, however, finds amusement in this. Being louder just to annoy bystanders.
"NONSENSE. Now, one question per bread!"
"Tendou..." You whine, trying to shove the packages off.
"SHUSH. Okay here we go!"
Twenty seven questions followed.

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now