(14): eat

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The next school day seemed to roll around faster than ever. Your mind stuck to the memories of the night before. The way Tendou tilted his head when intrigued by your words, letting the chocolate ice cream melt down the cone in his hand. It was something about the way his eyes flickered over your face when you spoke. Like he was studying every aspect of your life. 

Your pace quickened as you walked down the hallways. Wanting to see Tendou sooner than later. Of course you don't show your pure excitement to the few people that wave to you as you walk past. Stopping to talk to a few animation club members before running straight into Val and her boyfriend. A soft smile appears on your face, eyes flickering down to their intertwined hands. They looked so content and happy. That's all you've ever wanted for your best friend.

"(Y/N)! I've been looking all over for you." Val giggles softly, noticing how you keep looking around as if searching for a familiar face, "Can we have a bookstore coffee date this weekend?" Your head perks up at the word 'date.' Val never uses this analogy, so naturally you scrunch your face in confusion. Her boyfriend, Jiro, just watches you with anticipation. 

"Like...us? Or with green bean and some other boy?" 

Jiro playfully scuffs at your nickname for him. He's a very tall skinny boy making it easy for you to come up with lighthearted insulting nicknames to amuse you all. 

"Well, us and then you and Tendou. Duh." Val sasses, "I know you've been hanging out with him more, the stupid girls never stop gossiping about that damn volleyball team. Especially since he's Ushijima's best friend." 

You roll your eyes in annoyance at girls your age. 

"I know." Val says, noticing your annoyed features. Even though you the two of you never talk much during the week you still consider her your best friend. She's a childhood friend, one that's always been loyal and kind. It's easy for you guys to understand each other at all times, even when you haven't talked for a long period of time. Like now. 

"I'll have to ask but I think he should be okay with that." You nod at your own words. Looking around for his red spiky head that may be walking around. It's lunch time which means you need to bring him the bento box you've made him. Keeping Tendou from eating the damn vending machine meals has been one of your priorities lately. In exchange Tendou always gets you fresh milk bread every Monday. Enough for the rest of the week. 

Val, green bean and you talk for a little longer. Discussing classes, what they've been up to and new things going on in the animation club; but, thankfully they decide to go eat lunch and you're able to slip on past them. Finding your way to your usual lunch spot where Tendou is sprawled out underneath the tree. His school bag on the ground inches away from him. Tendou was currently being eaten away with thoughts. Not all bad, but not all good. Worries about what a real relationship with you could mean have risen. None of these worries make him want to run away from your open affection. 

Flashbacks of his ex keep eating him up. It's nothing new, Tendou is used to the constant mistrust he has in girls who confess to him. That's why he often turns them down ever since everything that happened with the Karasuno girl. But, you were different. Someone who intrigued him. Kept him on his feet. Constantly swirling his mind long enough to leave his wishing for your soft voice in his ears and your gentle touch on his skin. 

"What are you doing?" Your body hangs over his laying form. A innocent cheerful smile spread across your lips. Tendou feels himself melting at how cute you look. Swooning to himself. Looking up at your doe eyed. 

"Waiting for you." 

The words make you pout. With one swift motion you remove your bag from your body, sitting down behind his head and bring it into your lap. Starting to run your fingers through his hair as you speak, "I brought you lunch again. It always worries me when you don't eat properly but then go practice for hours after school." 

Tendou closes his eyes. Enjoying the feeling of your loving touch. Melting even more at the words falling from your plump pouty lips. It's then that Tenodu feels his whole being pause. Staring up at you with so much realization that it confuses you. Your pout deepening, but this gesture only makes Tendou fall deeper into realization. As much as he knew he really liked you, he was now realizing how much he likes you. Suddenly admiring every little thing about you. The way your face twists with each emotion. You're always so easy to read. When he first met you only weeks ago you had been this shy girl who could barely say two words to him, but with time you opened yourself up to Tendou. Slowly more and more. Giving yourself to his damaged self without a single doubt in your mind. So sure that Tendou was the boy you wanted to be yours, and you made that clear. Not only in words, gestures or efforts. But in the way you stayed by his side. Always cheering him up and holding him when he's down. He didn't even need to tell you he was just lost in his own worries. You didn't even have to ask. You just immediately held him in the most wholesome way possible and brought a soft smile his face. Without even meaning to you had cheered him up. 

Tendou sits up without explaining his sudden mood shift. A happy smile spreading across his lips where his usual smug smirk sits. Turning to face you and tilts his head, pointing his swirly finger in your direction. "So caring, my love~" Tendou hums.

A blush strings across your face. Not expecting the sudden nickname as you're digging for his lunch in your bag. Pulling out both your own and his before finally showing him your reddened face. "J-just eat, idiot." You mumble. Pushing the food towards him. 


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