(8): Game Changer

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It didn't take long for Tendou to have you cornered in your animation club room. His tall frame looming over you. Something about the way his eyes quirked made you shutter a little.
This is not how you planned to be spending your extra time in here after the club meeting was over. No one else was in the classroom as you scanned over the empty seats.
It's just you and Tendou.
"What are you doing here?" You're forced to talk to him now. Ignoring him won't work.
"You've been distant." Tendou states, his eyes scanning over your face for any change in emotion.
You're sitting down in a desk in the far corner of the room, head quirking to the side slightly at his words now. Amusement suddenly rises over all over your features. He's crawling back. He wants you in his life. He wants you.
"Okay?" You muse.
"You think ignoring me and making some petty comment in the hall is going to make me go away? That's funny. But, I do need to apologize for my behavior after my practice the other day. I ditched the start of practice today to be here to do this. I hope that shows you that you're important."
"I realize." Your cocky attitude was new to Tendou. He's never seen it. Something about it sent his thoughts into a spiral. The usual nervous stature was gone. You weren't scared of him after what happened at his volleyball practice. It's almost as if he awoke a dragon.
"...I was stuck in my thoughts that night. Bad thoughts. I...recently was dumped by someone who was very important to me. My emotions have been all over the place since. I don't know really ever know how I'm going to feel, but something about you keeps my mind off those emotions."
Your eyes widen a little, "Am I a distraction, rebound or an actual interest? Think about it."
Tendou stands there for a second. His face seems to twist at that comment. He thought he would be dealing with a nervous wreck when he came to apologize not the ball of flaming attitude he's heard so much about from those he's asked about you.
"...Actual interest." Tendou finally mutters.
"Then, go back to practice." You stand up so there's barely any room between the two of you, smiling slightly up at him, "and work hard to make up for lost time. Call me tonight and meet me for lunch tomorrow."
Tendou nods softly, he's now the amused one. He wracks over your face a few times. Looking for any tell that you don't believe him when he says he's actually interested in you. But there's nothing. Everything about your face seems genuine. You believe him.


The sound of your phone ringing makes your head peak up. Grabbing it quickly and pausing for just a second before answering the call.
On the other side of the video call Tendou stands a little bit away from the phone. A towel running through his damp hair as he smiles tiredly towards the camera.
"Hello~" His voice muses.
"Hi." You wave a little.
"I worked hard at practice just like you said to. I did it all for you. So if I ask for a shoulder message tomorrow just know you're inclined to give it over."
You hum a little at that, a softly laugh falling from your lips. Tendou perks his head up to watch you giggle. Smiling at the cute sound.
The two of you talk for what feels like hours. The night quickly fading, time no longer a thing either of you are concerned about. It's as if those few days of not speaking did nothing but increase Tendou's interest in you. He's more attentive. Focuses more on your words and the way your body shifts as you speak. Whenever he senses ever the slightest mood shift he's teasing you about what could be making your heart churn. You just send him playful glares back. Stating he should know.
Both of you came to the nonverbal agreement that you being more confident around him is a major difference. Tendou didn't expect it and honestly neither did you. After spending all this time being a nervous wreck around him, enough to make your knees shake, it was a surprise to you that you're confidence came so easily now. It was a game changer.

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now