(19): Nobody Gets Me Like You

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"Am I talking to a wall? Hello? Earth to (Y/N)." Tendou's wrapped hand waves in front of his camera across your screen. Pulling your attention away from the poster on your wall. 

"Sorry, I was spacing out. What were you saying?" Tendou shifts under your mellow tone. Sitting upright, his eyes trained on your hunched over frame. Your screen lit up his face just enough to show his bedhead that he had tried to tame with a clip. 

"I was saying how I can't make it to ice cream this Friday, you text me asking earlier? Remember? What's going on with you? You've been so distant today, silly~" 

Your posture seemed to worsen at his words. Realization of your distant mind sunk in. 

Eyes narrowed, Tendou leans closer to his computer screen to get a better look at you. Trying to guess what you're thinking as doubt sinks in his stomach. It wasn't your fault his trust was so shaky, and it wasn't like he didn't trust you. He'd just been through too much before. You were well aware. 

"I think I've just been missing you." You admit honestly. The whole reason you've been spacing out to all day was to think of him. Think of everything that has been going on lately. Worry about how Tendou is doing or if he's eaten a proper meal all week. 

Tendou lets out a breath. Slipping back away from the screen. Releasing his narrowed stare. He knows he's been too busy this last week. After the double date it seemed like his schedule just ramped up. Giving him little to no free time to worship the ground you walked on.

Guilt ate at him as he spoke, "I'm sorry, baby. I promise to eat lunch with you tomorrow." He had doubted you when you weren't in the wrong. Here he was slouched over in his bed at almost one in the morning just to get a chance to talk to you, and it hadn't even dawned on him that you have been sulking the whole time, "It's cute how you pout when you miss me. It's like I plague your entire being!" 

There he was. Back to teasing. 

You can't help but giggle, flopping down on your bed dramatically to hide your blushing face from his view. It was odd for you to really miss someone. And you had just admitted to Tendou that you missed him. Something you didn't admit to anyone really. 

"It's your fault!" Your giggle rang through Tendou's ears making him perk up, gushing to himself. He brings his knees closer to his chest. Watching you as you roll back onto screen. Hair tousled left and right, cheeks tented every so slightly. 

He couldn't help but stare. 

And you couldn't help but notice. 

"Stop staring, it's creepy." You bit back a laugh. 

"Boo." Tendou says sarcastically. Lifting his hands up to paw at the screen. 

The two of you had been on the phone for the last few hours. Catching up on each others week. Tendou regretted being so busy. He should be sitting with you at lunch, not leaving you to your books, and he should be bugging you in the halls. Per usual, he watched you whenever he saw you in between classes. Carefully observing how you interacted with everyone around you. Carrying yourself so confidently. 

The shy girl he first met was definitely long gone to him, that was until he got you alone. Then the blushy behavior seemed to reoccur. 

"No but seriously...I promise, okay?" Tendou's eyebrow quirks, "Lunch tomorrow. I'll even bring something special! Just for you." 

"You don't have to go out of your way..." 

"Yes I do. You're important to me, so this is important to me."

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now