(23): stay like this a little longer

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You shift back and forth on your feet as the women in front of you smile endearingly at you. There was nothing awkward about the situation besides one very well known fact. 

This was Tendou's ex that nots really his ex but at least his ex best friends mother. 

What is she doing here?, you want to run up the stairs just to avoid the situation. 

Yet, though you want to run away, you stay. Smiling so sweetly and letting a soft gaze switch between the women. 

"It's so nice to finally meet you! Whenever I hear about Tendou lately your name is always brought up not long after. It's nice to finally have a face to the name." It was obvious she didn't mean this harshly. She wasn't being petty, unlike her daughter had been the first time you met her. You mentally roll your eyes remembering how you just stood there looking at her like she was the dumbest girl in the world, "Tendou she's beautiful. Absolutely a beauty." 

Tendou nods in a soft manor. He didn't act as wound up at home as he does at school. Something about his demeanor always seemed different when he was in the comfort of his own home. It was like the fun loving shell he tried to put on at school was stripped leaving him bare boned. 

"Thank you," You watch him carefully as he speaks. His lips barely part as he speaks. A wired smile breaking through as he nods a soft goodbye to his mother and her friend before tugging your hand back out the room. You wave softly over your shoulder. Trying to be polite. 

Once the two of you are tucked away in his bedroom you turn on one foot to look at him. He doesn't seem as affected by the woman downstairs as he did his ex that one time. It was nice to see the minor differences. 

His eyes scan the bedroom in front of him. Looking for something to change into as he overthinks the words said downstairs. There was nothing special to them. Just actual compliments that were meant to be taken whole heartedly, yet Tendou dissects every detail as he riffles through his closet. Making sure to glance back at you here and there to see what you were up to while he clothed himself. 

You sat on his bed, slouched in your usual manor when you're spaced out. Staring right at Tendou's back. He noticed that you had placed the ice cream and the other contents of the bag on his desk. 

You'd been boring goo goo eyes into his muscly back without realizing as you spaced out. 

"Haven't you ever heard it's not polite to stare?" Tendou teases you in a light tone. Blinking, you tilt your head slightly as if questioning his words before a soft giggle falls from your lips. Tendou could swear it was listening to angel's sing whenever you giggled. His full attention shifts from the shirt he'd thrown on to you. Stalking over, he scoops you up in his arms and lays down with you securely held against his chest. His chin resting in the crook of your neck. Tendou's whole being tangles with yours.  

The blush that had risen against your cheeks makes you sink into his touch even more. Enjoying the absurd amount of warmth Tendou gave off. Secretly happy he couldn't see your face completely in this postion. 

Your fingers tangle with his, you use your pointer finger to trace circles over his hand. Comforting him more with this small action more than you could ever know. 

"So...I see your mother and her friend made up." 

"Sadly, yes." Tendou sighs. Remembering how barely six months ago they hadn't talked in god knows how long. Deep down Tendou feels as if whatever his ex best friend and him were doing is the reason they were speaking again. Its the only explanation that makes sense. They would not have anything else to talk about, nothing would've given them a reason to speak besides their children suddenly hanging out again. And then suddenly their children both being broken hearted. Or at least, Tendou assumed his old friend would have been broken hearted by the loss of their friendship. Otherwise, there's no reason she would've talked to you that one day. Jealousy maybe, it made sense, but also curiosity of what Tendou was doing. 

That was Tendou's reasoning at least. The one that let him live without needing too many explanations. 

"Well, ice cream? Its going to melt, bub." 

The nickname makes a warm tingly feeling rise through Tendou's chest. So much love filled within him as he tightens his grip around your body. Cuddling his frame more into your own. Leaving no space between the two of you. 

"Let it melt. I'll pay you back. Just stay like this with me a little longer please my love." 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now