(24): study

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It's been months since Tendou and you have had distance issues. He fixed himself right up with a little bit better time management. It took a fat minute but he got there, happily dragging you along to whatever plans he had. You initially felt like you were intruding but Tendou always insisted that you being around was no issue. It made him the happiest when you were by his side. 

"I told you I'm not having it!" Tendou runs around Ushijima with the team schedule in hand. 

"We have to play Karasuno. They are on the set list." 

You sit calmly next to Ushijima in the library. It's relatively empty so no one is being disturbed as Tendou tries to argue out of the game, pulling all of his strings. 

Your eyes fall on the book sprawled out in front of you on the wooden table. The scribbled notes you've written are of no interest to you at the moment even though a huge exam is coming up that you need to pass with flying colors to stay top of your class. It was no worry, you know you'll be fine. It was Tendou who needed to study and more studying wouldn't hurt you either. That's the whole point of todays little study sesh. To get Tendou to study. Ushijima and you had plotted in secret. Texting throughout the week to make sure all three of you had a few hours free today to study. 

Tendou paces back and forth in front of the table now. 

Ushijima is leaning back in his chair unbothered. He knows he's going to win this battle he just needs Tendou to stop his mini freak out to talk sense into him. 

"I will punch the little orange kid in the face, do you want me to do that?" 

Ushijima actual quirks a half smile, "You wouldn't risk your spot on the team. Plus, you've had that chance before and you didn't so I trust there will be no assaulting the tiny orange."

"But there might be." 

"There won't." Ushijima adds. 

Tendou settles his eyes on you. Fiddling with your pen as you think, rolling it between your fingers and twirling it as your mind ponders over the idea of Tendou possibly being the same room as her again. 

Your face scrunches in disgust. 

Ushijima acts like he didn't notice your obviously disgusted face as he explains to Tendou that it is nothing crazy. Just a volleyball game that they have to win to move on. That it's a possibility to beat the kid in a safe manor. Tendou pays attention to nothing Ushijima says, knowing he's going to end up playing anyways. Washijo would have his throat if Tendou didn't play and that was just a fact. Everyone knows that. Karasuno was a rising threat that they needed to pound into the ground before they rose above Shiratorizawa. 

Tendou was more focused on your nervous nature. Not only were you not focusing on your studies to focus on a pen but you were chewing your bottom lip and running your fingers through your hair faster than any normal timespan. 

A sigh escapes his lips, "Fine. Fine. But (Y/N) comes with." 

"No shit. It's a game. She can be in the stands, per usual." Ushijima rolls his eyes. Expected, Ushijima thinks. Getting Tendou to do anything without you recently was a hard task. Not that Ushijima minded. You're lovely to be around and fit in perfectly. You're healthy for everyone, but getting quality time with Tendou is hard. 

"Where's the game at?" The words fall from your lips before you could even consider if it was a good idea to ask specific questions yet. 

Ushijima glances at you before answering, "Um, at neither school. Winner qualifies for nationals. We can't lose this."

Your mouth makes a slight '0' shape as you nod. Looking between the two boys. 

"No worries then. You guys beat everyone! Right? Whos a little short orange kid and...the other one? The angry blueberry right, bub?" You joke, pushing Tendou to reveal his nickname for Karasuno's first year setter. Ushijima raises an eyebrow at Tendou but it falls as he chuckles. Throwing a notebook Tendou's way. 

"Study time!" You chirp at Tendou in a teasing manor. 

"You're lucky I'm falling in love with you." Tendou snatches the notebook from the air with a huff. Reluctantly falling into the chair across from you and Ushijima.  

"Oh shut it." 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now