(16): deeper connection

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Holding Tendou's hand the whole way to the bus station helped him feel comforted. Even if it was a small gesture it really went a long way. He had been so wrapped up in his mind earlier that the sudden embarrassment of everything that happened is just now starting to wash over him.

It's not like he wanted to cry in front of you. Even if you said it didn't make him weak in your eyes he felt as if he shouldn't be sobbing so early on in the relationship, at least not as much as he has.

Although he was heavily embarrassed he couldn't help but feel over joyed. Tendou had every card handed to him at the moment; you are officially his girlfriend as of barely ten minutes ago, you're about to go out on a cute double date and Ushijimia hasn't text Tendou to threaten to kill him over Tendou hiding the volleyball Ushijima keeps in his bed when he sleeps.

Tendou was only doing the boy a favor.

It's weird he sleeps with a volleyball...

So Tendou peacefully rubs his thumb over the back of your hand as you look out the bus window. Your hair looked so cute, unlike your usual school style you'd done it a different way today. Normally Tendou would sit there and tease you for trying to look nice, cracking jokes that you did it just for him in a silly hum. But right now he just wanted to admire you.

Staring at you as if you're the most beautiful girl on Earth.

It washes over Tendou that you're the most patient and mature girl he's ever spoken to at this age. You stand up for what you believe in, are a good and healthy support system, and you focus on your future.

It was you he found himself admiring the most lately.

Your head is stuck in the clouds as the trees and buildings pass by through the window. It's a nice day. The weather isn't all that bad and you couldn't help but smile as the bus comes to a stop. A little boy and his mom walk on the sidewalk besides the bus, the boys wearing a cute pair of overalls that just make you gush as the bus starts back up and drives off again. Although your day started off rather grim you insisted to yourself that you NEEDED to make the rest of the day great. Hopefully make it a day to remember.

The rest of the bus ride is quiet between you and Tendou. Not because it was awkward due to this mornings events, but because it was comfortable. The more Tendou opened up about himself the more comfortable the two of you grew. But something was bothering Tendou besides all his emotional baggage.

It was the fact that he felt he knew barely anything personal about you.

"Oh this is our stop." You hop up as the bus comes to a slow stop. Pulling Tendou down the stairs and onto the sidewalk.

The small town shopping neighborhood was cute. It had to of been only a fifteen minute ride from Tendou's house but he's never been here before. Nothing jogged his memory as he looks around. Taking in the gentle breeze, cute shop signs and family friendly activities. It was like the shopping center was made to be a place for safe gathering.

"Val said her and string bean would meet us by the fountain in the middle of the center. It's not very big...Val and I used to come here all the time since it's close to her place." You explain softly as Tendou and you begin to walk.

"Here? It's cute~I can see why you'd like." Tendou nods his head. Looking down over at you with a soft gaze. You catch it quickly, a blush plastering across your face. He's never looked at you so softly...at least not like that.

"You know, Val and I used to hang out a lot more!" You giggle softly. Starting to explain a story Tendou was excited to hear, "Before high school her parents weren't as strict because they've always said children are meant to have fun, and my parents have never pressured me like hers do now. So we'd always be getting into something! We'd ride our bikes all around this little town...get into shit, climb trees, play mermaid in the lake not too far from here...she was the best. And still is, even if we don't talk all the time."

Tendou nods softly. Feeling a ting in his chest. Realizing he knew the exact feeling, having one childhood friend that you always were with. Connected at the hip. You'd do anything for them. But sadly, the ting came from the realization that he wouldn't know what it is like to grow old with that friend. Because that friend for him was his ex. Besides her he spent his childhood judged and bullied, completely alone.

"I'm happy you could have, and still have, that lifelong person." Tendou says serenely. A soft smile appears over his face as he squeezes your hand lovingly. Wanting to pull you into a hug and go on a small rant about how cute you sounded as a child and how he wishes he could've known you back then too.

Instead, he just keeps walking with you.

It's become apparent to both of you that this is the new leaf in both of your lives. This relationship will define something for both of you. Tendou was stuck in a filthy wreckless heartbreak before you; whereas, you were left lonely in your books. Now, the two of you have each other to lean on and support. No matter the issue, both of you felt confident your relationship was going to grown into something important and meaningful.

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now