(7): why

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Tendou sits at home throwing a volleyball up at the ceiling and catching it, repeating this over and over. He should be studying for a math exam the next day but finds himself consumed in thought. It's been happening so much recently he's starting to become too used to thinking sad thoughts.
Flash backs of his ex keep coming up. It's like everything is reminding him of her.
Tendou could see a girl with her same hair color and his heart will clinch. She left him so easily after spending a month clinging to Tendou's side. Karasuno's number ten is the only boy who consumes her heart now. Their sappy instagram posts are enough to make him mentally gag.
What hurts the most is not only are they ex's but childhood friends. He feels like he lost a piece of himself. Every time they're separated he feels her loss.
Still conflicted with the fact that he may not even have a broken heart because of their relationship but because of their now lost friendship.
Tendou doesn't know how to process these feelings. Choosing to shove them deep down and focus on what's in front of him nowadays.


"Y/N-!" Val screams, picking up her pace in the hallway to catch up to you. You take out a headphone, looking over at her with a big smile, "How are you?"
"I'm doing okay." The shrug of your shoulders immediately sends your friend into a spiral of questions.
"Is it school? Family? Did I do something? Did you fail a test? Are you no longer one of the top students?..." They just keep rolling off her tongue. You shake your head over and over until, "Is it Tendou?"
Val knows all about what's happened with him. Every time you're done talking to him you immediately report back to her, due to her request to be updated frequently on the topic.
"So it is him! Figures...oh well, it was short lived but honestly who needs him? There's lists of cute boys here!"
You want to say you don't want them but find yourself nodding at her words.
"Let's see, there's that cute nerdy boy in our class! How about him? What's his name again?" Val starts muttering about different boys. Questioning you about every single boy she can think of now. You simply try to ignore her words. Focusing on walking through the busy halls to get to class on time. That's until your eyes meet his.
Tendou stands next to Ushijima, hunched slightly over at the serious boy speaks to him.
He looks so handsome. The pink in his cheeks from the cold is very apparent. His red hair slicked back perfectly messy. He looks so cute in his uniform, per usual, which makes a small tug at your lips.
You're still mad at him. But you'll give him the small smile before turning your attention back to Val.
Purposely, mentioning a date as you pass Tendou.
"Yeah, he asked me on a date this friday!"
As expected Tendou's eyes narrow. His full attention on your frame as you walk past, pretending he doesn't even exist now.
Fuck, Tendou mentally curses at himself. His mind now running wild. Who is this boy? Why did you agree? Why are you still ignoring him and his DMs? Why won't you just look at him?
"Y/N!" Val snaps a little. You had blanked out after the words left your mouth. Why were you being so petty? Why now?

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now