(27): sleepy s3x

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WARNING: nsfw chapter 

Tendou sits curled up against his desk chair. The lights around him illuminate his face perfectly, shining through his bright red hair. If you had been awake to see it you'd be awe-struck with his beauty. As you often are. Tendou has found you more than once just staring him down with a stupid smile on your face as your eyes twinkle, and he never lets you live it down. Teasing you for the next passing week until you're so embarrassed you threaten to strangle him with your legs in his sleep. Joking, obviously, but Tendou always responds with one word.


While smiling to himself as he reminisces your angered face when he challenges you to his death Tendou stares at your sleeping form. Curled up in his duvet blanket like a restless angel. 

Every few minutes you toss and turn, it would be obvious to anyone how restless you are. Restless with worry. Tendou had told you that the two of you would need to have a talk tomorrow when you wake up. 

But just the mention of a serious talk tomorrow has your anxiety squeezing your heart in an unbreakable bind. Ready to explode at any second. Even in your sleep you dream of the different possible outcomes. 

Most would be considered nightmares. 

"I wonder..." Tendou runs his finger over his bottom lip as he thinks. He's never been good with words. That would be your department. Not his expertise. But, he wanted to word this right. Tendou refuses to not do right by you.

It wracks his brain, all the possible ways to word things. Trying his best to put his emotions into words as flawlessly as you often do. Expressing yourself so easily that your words often seem as if they're sweet nectar from the gods. Demised so wisely, always with pure intent. 

Tendou thinks, 'I've never had many people around...I guess that's why my emotional IQ when it comes to expression isn't that high. People have always ran from me, if not running they were bullying me...so I don't have much experience here...' 

After an hour of ringing his mind raw Tendou crawls into bed next to you. Your sleeping form doesn't seem to budge from its corner. It was slightly amusing that your restless self had scrunched into the upper corner of the bed. Pressed against the wall. 

His arms pull you to his warm chest. Cradling you against him before letting one hand rub your back soothingly. You barely stirred at the sudden shift, cuddling into his chest with a sudden sleepy smile. 

He was glad you were resting but wished he could see your blushing state due to the fact that he's shirtless. Tendou had showered after you went to bed. Not wanting to leave your side in his broken state, but he did acknowledge that he smelled from the game so he forced himself to go shower. Which resulted in him just getting into a pair of pajama pants and nothing more. 

With a simple flick of the light switch near his bed and a sigh Tendou tries to sleep. Staring up at the ceiling while listening to your steady breaths. The clock read four fifty three AM. 

"Great..." Tendou sighs. 

You suddenly stir again. This time lifting your head to look up at Tendou. If it wasn't for Tendou being so tired and depressed he would've laughed at the chicken hair you currently have. Looking like a whole gremlin as you scrunch your face up in annoyance. The hair mixed with the face would've sent Tendou into a laughing fit any other day. 

"Good morning sunshine." Tendou teases, boping your nose. 

You narrow your eyes further. Glancing at the clock then back at Tendou. 

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now