(18): Wander

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Sitting across from Tendou became an everyday thing as the days progressed. Everyday seemed like clockwork after the double date. You'd have lunch with Tendou and now even sometimes Jiro and Val would join, the four of you got along nicely. Studying with Val suddenly became very important to her so after club meetings if Tendou was still busy you'd end up in the library "studying." 

In reality Val was just talking your ear off about Tendou, asking a thousand questions. 

At school you tried your hardest to focus in class despite Tendou's newest obsession with sanrio memes. Eventually you had to put your phone on silent because of how much it was buzzing due to his DM's. 

Not that you really minded in the long run...they were normally cute. Unless they were the threatening ones but honestly those were kind of funny. 

Tendou had started to get a little more busy though. Between balancing school, volleyball, his friends and you he had a full plate. Of course you were understanding, but at the end of the days where you'd only seen him for lunch you were a little upset. Reasonably. 

"But anyways, Jiro wants to take me to this new boba place after school, Friday! They sell homemade ice cream too. You should come, bring Tendou. We haven't seen him much this week. I guess spring interhigh's are coming up soon, huh?" Val's melodic voice soothed your anxious nerves as you tried to actually study. Your head stuck in an economics book that seemed to bore you half to death. 

Studying is honestly what you put most of your time and effort into when you weren't in animation club. Seeing Tendou after school was a hope that seemed to be just that. A hope. A dream. 

Back before the two of you were dating it seemed like he popped up everywhere. All the time. Now it's like he's so busy he is dodging his responsibilities just to see you at lunch. Ushijima had walked over to the tree Tendou and you sit under a few times this week just to drag Tendou to a team meeting. He always had this strange look on his face. His eyes said he was happy to see Tendou happy, but his face said he was gonna kick Tendou's ass if he kept running away from meetings. Captain things, you told yourself. 

They seemed super stressed about winning. 

"Friday? I'll have to ask Tendou but I can definitely come. You need an alibi with your parents?" Val could tell by your tone that you were teasing her about how strict her parents are. 

She stuck her tongue out in a childish manor, "Oh shut it!" A giggle falls from her lips, "If Tendou doesn't come on a double date with us within the next week I'm coming for his ankles. Jiro and I need to get to know the boy you're with." 

"Okay mom." You rolled your eyes before glancing down at the text book on the table. Val was too busy laughing to herself about your eye roll to notice as you slipped off deep into thought. 

Tendou has practice everyday. You had club meetings three of the five school days. You studied in the library, with or without Val, everyday. Part of you knew it was because you were hoping Tendou would get out of practice early, but the other part of you shut it up so fast you could barely stop to think about it. 

When you first confessed to Tendou your thoughts were constantly consumed with him. He had rejected you, of course all you could wonder was why. 

After he ignored you that one night you refused to let him treat you that way. And he got straight, he didn't do it again. 

But what is with the current obsession of waiting around for him?

Your mind wanders.... 

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