(6): distance

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By the time practice ended you were red in the face. Your mind racked furiously with thought of Tendou. His sweaty form. The way his fingers would curl over the ball. His nagging voice when he teased his teammates.
Everything about him seemed to drive you wild.
You stayed patiently behind on the bench while the boys cleaned up the gym.
The little attention has given you ever since you first walked into the gym is making you somewhat nervous. Should you have not come in here? Maybe it was a stupid idea to curiously peak in. If you hadn't maybe he wouldn't seem to be avoiding you right now.
Soon enough all the boys seem to be leaving. Tendou immediately walks over to you, not saying a word as the two of you walk out of the gym. Your immense attraction set to the side as the worry in your chest builds up. You feel dumb worrying over a boy who is so emotionally unstable. It's obvious he only is fascinated for the time being. You don't understand why you're already so attached.
"You did great today!"
"Eh.." Tendou sighs. Running a hand through his hair. You awkwardly look away, not expecting such a dry response. Everything seems to stand still. The cool air brushes against your skin making you shiver.
Tendou glances over at this but says nothing. By the time you're at the front gate you mutter a small goodbye to Tendou that he doesn't return.
You take a few steps towards your route home before turning on your right foot. Narrowing your eyes over at his tall form. The nerves that were just eating your stomach alive seemed to be non existent as you snap at him. Your usual courage towards other popping out.
"I won't waste my time supporting you at your volleyball events from now on. See you around, Tendou."
The attitude drew Tendou in from his emotional haze. You spoke to him as sassy as you do with everyone else. For once your nervous nature seemed to subside.
"Interesting..." Tendou mutters to himself. Watching you confidently stride away.


School the next day was fine. You went back to your everyday routine. After a decent amount of thought about Tendou's attitude you decided you're done drooling over the boy for right now. You did nothing to deserve the silent treatment. He could've been dealing with something but that's not reason to ignore you.
Val talks your ear off about her date with her boyfriend as you try to do some math homework. She made the excuse of a late night study sesh with you to get away with actually going out with him. You don't mind, happily listening to her story.
"He took me to get ice cream after diner, and it felt so magical! Like I was in some fan fiction or something...everything was perfect..."
You chuckle, looking up at her. Directly behind her sits Tendou. He's studying with the volleyball team across the library. His eyes locked onto you.
You pretend not to notice.
"That sounds so cute!"
You glance back down at your work as she continues to gush over her man. Eventually you end up lost in thought.
Completely unknown to you Tendou sits in his feelings as he looks over at you. Failing to notice the fact that you've already caught his gaze.
You haven't answered any of his DMs since last night. Not even the memes. You don't even glance at him in the hallways. He realizes he was harsh last night but truth is he was just in his feelings. In such a haze he couldn't even process his surroundings.
Tendou has never had someone so devoted, not like this. You respected his space and didn't pursue him to the point where you seemed desperate. And now you're avoiding him.
Just like his ex did.
Tendou can't help but have his mind run wild. Hoping he didn't screw things up. Hoping you didn't feel super disrespected by his actions. Dreaming you'll just grab your phone and text him back.
For the first time in a long time you're the only girl consuming his thoughts.

Growth - Satori Tendou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now